Harry Clark was an advertising executive who served as Director of JWT's Frankfurt Office and eventually of JWT's New York Office; Managing Director of Landsdowne Advertising, a JWT subsidiary; and co-founder of Smith Clark Associates, a consulting firm based in Princeton, N.J. International Offices series contains includes correspondence, financial reviews, marketing plans, meeting reports, travel documentation, presentation files, as well as general administrative memoranda for JWT's international offices, including Guatemala (1975).
International Offices Records, 1929–1998 and undated
The International Offices Records primarily contain financial records, correspondence, presentations, campaign drafts, account lists, meeting minutes and printed materials. Includes office files from Guatemala (1975-93).
Jack Peters worked at JWT 31 years and served as Chief Operating Officer and President of JWT-USA and then JWT-Worldwide. International Offices series contains correspondence, meeting reports, travel documentation, presentation files, audit information, information on features of various markets in specific regions, as well as general administrative memoranda for JWT's international offices, including Guatemala (1985).
Newsletter Collection, 1910-2005
The Newsletter Collection comprises the agency's internally produced newsletters. The International Newsletters Series of this collection includes publications from Guatemala (1974-75).
Shirley F. Woodell Papers, 1943-1958
The collection documents the operations of JWT primarily through correspondence and reports written by Woodell during and immediately after his business trips. The Office Files and Correspondence series contains carbon copies of correspondence, memoranda, reports, expense reports, a survey form, maps, notes, and itineraries, including Guatemala (1943-51).