As the Korean government’s official English homepage, it serves as a gateway to information about Korea with four main menus: News, Korea, Directory, and Multimedia Center. The "News" section covers the latest news and government press releases which come in eight foreign languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Vietnamese and Arabic. The "Korea" section provides users with general information on Korea including general, government, Korean and the world, economy, society, culture, arts, tourism, and sports & recreation. The "Directory" section presents over 250 government publications and also consists of a total of 12,000 English sites, classified into categories according to the nature and characteristics. The "Multimedia Center" contains publication, magazines, slides, videos, wallpapers, e-books and other materials in digital formats.
Data.go.kr (DATA Portal 공공 데이터 포털)
DATA Portal provides a variety of public information.
Koreanists is an online database of scholars in the field of Korean Stuides and Korea-related professionals around the world to help expand the Korean Studies network and facilitate interaction between Korea-related specialists. The main feature of this database is the Search menu, which allows searching for Koreanists around the world according to the name, country of residence, specialization, name of institution, or degree.
Korean Studies: Moderated Korean Studies Internet Discussion List
KoreanStudies & Korean Studies Review is an international, English-language, nonpartisan, moderated electronic discussion group on Korea for the purpose of sharing the comprehensive information on Korean Studies. Organized by subjects including art, academia, associations, books, history, kids, music, literature, scholarship & jobs, computing, etc. and an online series of book reviews on Korean Studies, KoreanStudies provides well-organized information to Korea scholars.
Korean Bibliography
The Korean Section of the Library of Congress has prepared a bibliography of approximately 4,800 records of books about Korea in English up to 1995 held by the Library of Congress. Although this resource is currently limited to English language works, it is a comprehensive and user-friendly bibliographic tool for researchers and scholars interested in Korean studies. This database is searchable via author, title, and subject.
Korea Journal
Founded as an English journal in 1961, the Korea Journal takes a role as a medium for intellectual dialogue and exchange between Korean and foreign scholars in the field of Korean Studies. The Journal includes articles, databases, book reviews and book notes and is circulated among Korean Studies institutes, universities, and agencies associated with UNESCO-related agencies in 180 different countries.
Korea Focus
Korea Focus is published as a monthly webzine and a quarterly journal, featuring articles and commentaries on Korean politics, economy, society, and culture selected from leading Korean newspapers, magazines, academic papers presented in the academic seminars, and journals.
Korean Serials (한국정기간행물)
The Korean Serial Database provides researchers with detailed information about the rich and diverse newspaper periodical collections located throughout the Library of Congress. It includes 6636 periodical titles, including 184 North Korean titles, which can be searchable via subject, English (including romanized), and Korean titles.
Asian Perspective
Asian Perspective is the Institute for Far Eastern Studies (IFES)’s quarterly journal of regional and international affairs. Published since 1977, Asian Perspective includes articles on the social sciences with a particular emphasis on world/comparative politics and Asia's regional affairs. Accessible to the full articles since 2003 through online.
Korea Social Science Data Archive (KOSSDA)
KOSSDA holds a vast range of Korean quantivie and qualitive data and literatures across diverse social science disciplines encompassing political, economic, social, and cultural areas. Please sign in to the KF website so that you can access and download data from KOSSDA free of charge.
Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS 국가통계포털)
This database service provides all kinds of Korean Statistical Information and data that is searchable by subject, institutions, and name. It also includes online publications regarding Korean Statistical information.
* North Korea Statistics (북한통계)
* Korean Statistical Information Sources (통계관련 온라인 간행물) Online publications for Korea Statistical Information Sources.
Statistics Korea (KOSTAT 통계청)
The Statistics Korea conducts a variety of cunsuses and surveys focusing on soci-economic and demobraphic fields, compiles analytic statistics as well as administrative statistics, and provides the statistical data for policy makers, governmental planners, administrators, researchers at research instituties, universities, political parties, enterprises, individuals, etcc.