Jewish Studies at Duke University is an interdisciplinary collaboration across a variety of Departments that seeks to explore all aspects of the Jewish experience.
The Israel Museum's Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Project allows users to examine and explore ancient manuscripts from Second Temple times at a level of detail never before possible.
The aim of the Center is to introduce visitors to topics related to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Biblical manuscripts, the Second Temple period, archaeological excavations at Qumran. Digital versions of the Aleppo Codex, the great Isaiah Scroll and the Temple Scroll are available. In addition, there is a virtual tour of the Shrine of the Book.
Using the world's most advanced imaging technology, the Digital Library preserves thousands of scroll fragments, including the oldest known copies of biblical texts, now accessible to the public for the first time.
Provides links to the text and translation of Josephus' writings and also a lengthy list of online and offline secondary sources on Josephus and his works.
Project on Ancient Cultural Engagement from York University. Parallel Greek-English text of Josephus. Interesting feature: comparative list and synoptic display of Josephan texts which discuss the same topics.
An outstanding collection of ancient texts. Includes the works of Josephus in Greek and in English translation in a searchable format. Also has the text of the Latin Vulgate and Greek New Testament.
Part of K.C. Hanson's larger website. For each chapter of this book, they provide online documentary resources in the form of maps, photos, texts and inscriptions.
A database of papyri texts searchable by text, translation, provenance, date or ID number. For each papyrus it provides text, apparatus and technical details.
Aims "to produce a standard typology of the provincial coinage of the Roman Empire...The database is based on the ten most important and accessible collections in the world and on all published material."