Jewish Studies at Duke University is an interdisciplinary collaboration across a variety of Departments that seeks to explore all aspects of the Jewish experience.
Holds a growing collection of modern Hebrew literature, both in the original Hebrew and in translation, as well as modern Jewish history, Zionism, the history and society of Israel and the Arab Israeli Conflict.
The David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library and Lilly Library have a unique collection of art and artist books by Jewish and Israeli artists, some dating back to the 19th century.
Holds our collections of ancient and medieval Jewish history, as well as Biblical studies, Ancient Near East archeology and cultures, and Rabbinic literature.
Holds personal papers of prominent Jewish families and individuals in the region. A recent addition to RBMSCL is the personal archive of the distinguished Jewish rabbi and human rights activist Marshall T. Mayer.
by Kate Collins
Last Updated Jul 6, 2021
21 views this year
Microform Collection
The microform collection includes Testaments to the Holocaust from the Wiener Library, and the Guenzburg Collection of Hebrew Manuscripts in the Russian State Library, as well as Historical Hebrew Newspapers, to name but a few.