* Add subject keyword "sources" to your search terms
* Search subject keyword "united states foreign relations sources" AND [keyword for your country or topic]
* Search title "confidential us state department central files" for microform sets
* Search "documentary history of the [ name ] presidency"
* Search for newspaper titles and check the years covered (see News section of this guide)
Dig deeper: Many primary sources have been preserved on microforms, and are not available online. See the tips for searching the catalog, and the database Primary Sources in US History to identify microform sets. You can limit an advanced search in the catalog to format: microforms.
One example to note: Papers of the Nixon White House.
For uncataloged collections in the Microforms Department: see the Checklist of Microform Collections...in the Reference Desk collection, LD1732.D8k C543 1986; browse under "US Dept. of State" or name of President.
Don't miss the sub-pages (click on the down arrow next to Primary Sources): Databases, News, Web Sites