The University of California at Santa Cruz has an excellent guide to knowing what to look for when evaluating the quality of information you find.
Searching Effectively
The library's paid subscription databases are the best place to start for resources for academic papers; specific databases are recommended on this page and throughout this guide.
Search articles, government documents, and grey literature related to international politics and public policy
Search for scholarship on theory and research in international affairs; includes NGO publications
Search articles and materials related to international security, terrorism, and foreign policy
Search for articles from scholarly journals in all areas of research
Text and data mining (TDM) of Factiva content is prohibited by license. TDM includes mass downloading of content via scripts (aka scraping) *and* via Factiva's internal tools for downloading content. Please use ProQuest's TDM Studio for text mining.
Search for news, business, legal, medical, and congressional information. Note: formerly named Lexis Nexis Academic.