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Earth & Climate Sciences

This guide serves the Duke community (students, staff, and faculty) in supporting research in earth & climate sciences.

Select a research area

Animated icon of a list being scrolled through Click on a specific research tile to find curated lists of resources (e.g., databases, journals, books, etc.).

Atmospheric Sciences

Picture of earth's atmosphere from space

Climate Change

An ice sheet breaking off and crashing into the ocean

Ecology & Conservation

Two elephants standing on grass with hill in background


A bubbling geyser with low clouds and mountain in background


A fishing boat out in the ocean with two fishermen and a fishing net.


Foamy green seawater

Looking for resources related to environmental policy, energy, environmental health/toxicology, food systems, forestry, sustainability, technology, or urban environment? Check out our Environmental Sciences guide.

Looking for resources related to oceanography or marine science? Check out our Marine Science guide.

Want to learn more about these research areas? Check out research from the Nicholas School of the Environment.