Deposit Instructions for Undergraduate Theses
Please review the section on preparing your materials prior to beginning a submission.
Submission Procedure
1. Log in to DukeSpace using your NetID and password.

2. On the left sidebar, click + (plus sign), New, and Item.

3. A pop-up box titled New item will appear. Select the Collection that is applicable to your work.

[Not seeing a collection name? Please contact your advisor/program administrator to verify that your name was submitted with permissions to deposit.]
4. Drag & Drop or browse your computer to submit a file.

5. Describe your work. Required fields are denoted with an asterisk.

6. Upload any additional files by dragging and dropping or browsing your local drive.
7. Carefully read the distribution license on the final screen, which gives Duke University the non-exclusive rights to preserve and provide access to your paper online. This means that you keep the copyright over the work, but others are free to read and cite it so long as proper attribution is given. See the Creative Commons website for more information about the license. If you accept these, check the box next to “I confirm the license above."
8. Review your submission and add/correct information as needed.
9. Click Deposit to add your work to DukeSpace.

After completing the final step, you should receive a confirmation email. Your paper will be immediately accessible via the permanent URL provided in the email unless your department needs to grant final approval to the deposited file. In that instance, you will also receive a follow up email when your paper has been approved.
Please note that if for some reason you do not receive a confirmation email, it is likely that your deposit did not process correctly. If this happens, please contact Repository Services at