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Depositing to the DukeSpace Repository

A guide to sharing scholarly works and student theses and dissertations openly at Duke University.

Frequently Asked Questions about Scholarly Works in DukeSpace

For students, see the questions about depositing dissertations and theses.

 Why would I want to deposit an open access version of my work?

Most scholarly works, especially articles published in journals, are only available to members of subscribing institutions. You can increase the reach and impact of your work by depositing a copy in an open access repository, like Duke’s, which makes the articles available to anyone with an internet connection. DukeSpace is indexed by Google Scholar and other search engines, and your work will be more easily found by the broad audiences that use those services, but who may not be at a research university.

 Does depositing a version of my work violate copyright?

The copyright of your work is yours unless you sign it over to someone else via a publishing contract or other legal transfer.

Even if you have signed over copyright through a publisher contract, many academic journals have no problem with authors uploading their pre-prints (manuscript before peer review) or post-prints (manuscript after peer review) to DukeSpace, and an increasing number allow authors to post a copy of the version as it was published. In some cases, these policies will be in the contract you signed, and in many cases they are on the publisher’s website. You can explore the standard contract policies for hundreds of journals in the Sherpa Romeo database.

The Faculty Open Access Policy ensures faculty retain the right to distribute their scholarly work and precedes any contact with a publisher. However, the policy only applies to faculty scholarly articles. Always ensure you are the copyright holder or have permission to make intellectual property decisions about the work before depositing.

Contact with questions about copyright and DukeSpace deposit.

 Does depositing a work to DukeSpace fulfill the US governing funding Public Access Policy?

Federal agencies have their own workflows and policies for complying with the Public Access requirements. Elements and DukeSpace are not connected to the PubMed Central or any other federal repository.

For more information on the August 2022 Office of Science and Technology Policy memorandum on public access, see the Duke Libraries' guide to the new OSTP Memo.

 How do I deposit my scholarly works to DukeSpace?

All scholarly works are deposited through the Elements publication system. See the detailed guide to depositing through Elements.

 Who do I contact if I deposited the wrong document?

Email the repository staff at with the link to the DukeSpace record that needs to be corrected.

Authors cannot change the deposited document(s) through Elements.

 Can I make changes to a DukeSpace record myself?

No. DukeSpace records can only be modified by the repository staff. Contact with details of your question.

 Can I replace an older version of a work in DukeSpace with a new version?

No. DukeSpace does not support versioning and it is not in scope to replace the deposited version of an item with an updated one.

In cases where authors have a new version that supersedes the previously posted one, they can post the new item separately through the Elements system, and request that a note be added to the old one to refer readers to the new one, with an explanation. The old version will not be removed.