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Depositing to the DukeSpace Repository

A guide to sharing scholarly works and student theses and dissertations openly at Duke University.

How to Deposit Scholarly Works to DukeSpace

Depositing scholarly works should be done by the author at their discretion. Published articles and books may be subject to copyright restrictions based on the contract signed with the publisher. Consider reviewing your contracts before and as you deposit your work. The Sherpa Romeo tool can help you identify your publishers' policies on self-archiving your scholarly articles.

If you have questions about whether your publication contract or other policies allow deposit to DukeSpace, contact The library staff are happy to advise!

The following is a short tutorial on depositing publications. More detailed documentation for the process and any troubleshooting can be found by clicking here.

1. Log into the Elements publication system

All scholarly works are deposited to DukeSpace through the Elements publication system. Elements is also used to curate publications lists for display in Scholars@Duke. For more about Elements, click here.

On the Elements homepage, the Publications box shows the publications associated with your profile. Clicking on Claimed will display the full list.

A screenshot of the Publications box from the Elements system showing 1 claimed journal article and several pending publications. At the bottom are the buttons to + Add New and View All. The font is black on a white background.


2. Find or create the record for your publication

Elements draws from scholarly databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed to provide complete metadata for publications. Not all publications are captured in the databases and some publication records may have to be created manually. You can find the data for a specific publication in your Claimed Publications list.

See the guide to navigating your Claimed Publications and guide to creating new publication records

The screenshot below shows a full publication record.

A screenshot of the metadata view of a publication record for a journal article inside the Elements system.

3. Review the licensing advice from Duke and Sherpa Romeo.

Copyright policies apply to sharing your work openly in DukeSpace. Duke offers advice for depositors about copyright (including details of the Open Access Policy and granting a CC-BY-NC license for all other works) and Elements provides advice from the Sherpa Romeo database of journal publisher polices for sharing articles.

A gray box is labeled Deposit Advice and describes the Duke institutional recommendations for sharing your work openly in DukeSpace.

A gray box is labeled Deposit Advice and the tab labeled Sherpa Romeo Advice is selected, describing the default publisher policies for sharing a journal article openly in DukeSpace.


4. Click "Deposit"

The blue Deposit button on the right side of the record will take you to the appropriate interface to deposit your publication in DukeSapce via Elements.


5. Select the file and version of the document

From the depositing interface, select the file you want to upload from your local file system, choose the version of the manuscript you are depositing, and click "Use this file."

Review the DukeSpace Open Access Deposit License when prompted. It describes the rights are you granting to Duke for any item, especially non-scholarly articles not covered by the Faculty Open Policy. If you have questions about the license, contact

6. Upload any supporting or additional files and deposit

DukeSpace supports a small number of supporting files. You can upload them as well before making the final deposit, which is completed by clicking on the blue "Deposit" button (see below).

A record for your publication will be created in DukeSpace (example here) and will be linked from the Elements record and from your Scholars@Duke profile.

Click here for more detailed Elements user guides.

For any questions about using Elements, email