Access to recent information and/or access or indexing to historical publications, archival information (unpublished records of government agencies and declassified documents), technical reports (quasi-governmental reports prepared by contractors), and statistical data.
Many of the databases listed are subscription services available only to Duke University users.
- Key Databases for U.S. Federal Documents: Electronic access points for current as well as historical government publications and for unpublished archival material from the federal government.
- Recommended Databases for Data/Statistics: Leads to electronic data collected by federal government agencies and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs).
- Paper indexes: Many historic executive branch agency publications, particularly from 1933~1995 (a "black hole" for digitized materials), aren't accessible online and some are not even indexed by any electronic sources. A comprehensive search should include the following paper indexes in the Perkins Reference Collection on the 1st floor.