This page guides you to resources dealing with food waste and its occurance during production, processing, retailing and consumption.
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Göbel, Christine, Nina Langen, Antonia Blumenthal, Petra Teitscheid, and Guido Ritter. 2015. Cutting food waste through cooperation along the food supply chain. Sustainability 7 (2): 1429-45.
Goldstein, Nora. 2014. Food Waste Collection Innovations. BioCycle 55, (6): 46.
Kiran, EU, AP Trzcinski, WJ Ng, and Y. Liu. 2014. Bioconversion of food waste to energy: A review. Fuel 134: 389-99.
Garg, V. K., Suthar, S., & Yadav, A. (2012). Management of food industry waste employing vermicomposting technology. Bioresource Technology, 126, 437-443.
Schiller, Michael. 2013. Food waste biogas development. Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal 32 (1): 70.
Sridhar, B. S. 2014. Cryo comminution of food waste. Nutrition & Food Science 44 (1): 47-56.