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Student Activism at Duke University

Created by Jamie Patrick-Burns, 2014-2015 University Archives Drill Intern.

Secondary Sources

Belvin, Brent H. Malcolm X Liberation University: An Experiment in Independent Black Education. Ph. D. dissertation, North Carolina State University. 2004. (Full text available via NCSU's institutional repository)

Cohen, Robert. When the Old Left Was Young: Student Radicals and America's First Mass Student Movement, 1929-1941. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Cohen, Robert and David J. Snyder, eds. Rebellion in Black and White: Southern Student Activism in the 1960s . Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.

Garfinkel, Marc R. "Politics Public and Private: The Emergence of Gay Activism in North Carolina, 1972-1984." Senior honors paper, 1988. 

  • Chapter two provides an excellent account of the creation of the Duke Gay Alliance.

Gonia, Rachel Radeline. An Exploration of the Methodist Student Movement and the Civil Rights Movement as Evidenced on the Campuses of Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Th.M. thesis, Duke University. 1996.

Liggett, Chantel K. "Divergent Priorities, Diverging Visions: Lesbian Separatist Versus Gay Male Integrationist Ideology Surrounding Duke in the 1970s and 80s." Undergraduate course paper, 2013. (Full text available via DukeSpace)

Segal, Theodore. Point of Reckoning: The Fight for Racial Justice at Duke University. Durham: Duke University Press, 2021. (print copy or ebook)

Turner, Jeffrey A. Sitting in and Speaking Out: Student Movements in the American South, 1960-1970Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2010.