These links are sample searches in the Duke Libraries catalog based on library subject headings related to the history of pediatrics and infant disease. You can limit by location to "Rubenstein Library" to focus on historical sources.
"The Care of Premature Infants" (reprint), 1932
Advertisement for demonstration held at the 1895 Exposition de Bordeaux of Maternité Lion children's incubator.
The Lion incubator was the first incubator to automatically regulate temperature and airflow. It was invented by Alexandre Lion and patented in1889. Lion founded l'Oeuvre maternelle des couveuses d'enfants to promote the invention. The organization had storefronts in cities across France that displayed the incubators in-use and charged admittance in order to fund the care of the infants.
Budin and Stephane Tanier were obstetricians by training, but contributed to the field of pediatrics in various ways, including the design of an incubator.