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Economics: Key Web Sites

More Useful Economic Web Sites

American Economic Association
Organization and membership information. Updates on meetings and publications.

Central Bank Websites
A list of links to the web sites of central banks (U.S. Federal Reserve, Deutsche Bundesbank, etc.), from the Bank for International Settlements. Many of these have free online access to statistical publications and working papers.

Duke University Department of Economics
Information on department and its members, course offerings, research, and links to other economic sites.

International Government Statistical Agencies

Joint IMF-World Bank Library

Search the holdings of these libraries and get information about visiting them or borrowing from them.

National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER promotes and distributes "unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community." Its four goals are to develop new statistical measurements, estimate quantitative models of economic behavior, analyze the effects of public policies on the US economy, and predict the effects of alternative policy proposals. Especially useful is their Data Page and Working Paper Archive.

Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE) 
A comprehensive guide to economists' resources on the Internet compiled by Bill Goffe at Penn State.