Franklin Research Center - Teaching with Primary Sources
This guide contains modules for remote learning with primary sources held in the Rubenstein Library with collections from the John Hope Franklin Research Center
What is the item(s) did you find most interesting/surprising? Is there anything you can learn about this object based on its physical characteristics?
Who created the source(s) you’re looking at and why do you think it was created? Is there a specific point the creator was trying to make or message the creator was trying to send?
What sort of information can your source provide about slavery in the United States and/or independence in Haiti? How did this change, expand, or shape your present understanding of that history? What key lessons will you take away from this exercise?
Group Questions -
You and your group members likely encountered a different and sometimes conflicting perspectives on the history of slavery and Haiti. How do your sources differ in how they describe or represent this time?
Do different items tell the same story but in different ways? Are some items more powerful in sharing information, if so, why?
Based on these sources, what would you tell a friend about what you've learned through interacting with these sources?
A single primary source sometimes raises more questions than it answers. What questions do you still have about the sources you reviewed? Spend some time brainstorming with your group mates about how to find answers.