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Franklin Research Center - Teaching with Primary Sources

This guide contains modules for remote learning with primary sources held in the Rubenstein Library with collections from the John Hope Franklin Research Center

Courrier de la Louisiane, Nouvelle-Orléans, 12 Janvier, 1811

Extracts from two letters, presented in parallel English and French, describing slave revolt known as the German Coast Uprising, in Louisiana, seven years after Haiti's independence, January 1811.

Fugitive Slave Bill (1850)

Text of Fugitive Slave Bill (Fugitive Slave Act), "as penned by the Senate and House of Representatives, Sept. 12, 1850, and approved Sept. 18, 1850 by President Fillmore.

Anonymous Abolitionist Speech (1850?)

Anonymous manuscript text of abolitionist speech. The author criticized the American Colonization Society; addressed the issue of compensation of slaveholders for the price of slaves; condemned churches condoning slavery; and stated that interracial sexual relations were the product of slavery. Issues raised appear to concern the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, particularly the author's anger over the imprisonment of fugitive slaves without trial and the requirement that citizens assist in the return of fugitive slaves.