The Nasher Museum holds a sizable collection of Russian art (547 items), which includes icons, Soviet posters, and late-Soviet era works by the avant-garde, state-recognized artists, non-conformist artists, and émigré artists.
- Paintings -- constitute a third of the collection. Although there are half a dozen paintings from the early part of the twentieth century, by far the largest component of the collection is by second-generation non-conformist artists and Sots artists from the Brezhnev era into the post-Soviet period, including such well-known names as Eli Beliutin, Ilya Kabakov, Komar & Melamid, Ernst Naizvestnyi, and Mikhail Chemiakin.
- Works on paper -- constitute over one-half of the collection. Includes works by El Lissitzky, and over 40 Soviet propaganda posters, primarily from the late 1920s-early 1930s (although there are some earlier and later ones as well).
- Sculptures -- 65 pieces