JWT Harry Clark Papers, 1945 -1992 and undated
Harry Clark was an advertising executive who served as Director of JWT's Frankfurt Office and eventually of JWT's New York Office; and co-founder of Smith Clark Associates, a consulting firm based in Princeton, N.J. The collection includes two talks/essays on "Advertising and the Role of Direct Marketing Today: An Overview" from 1985. (Box 29)
O. Milton Gossett Papers, 1951-2004 and undated
O. Milton Gossett was an advertising executive with Compton Advertising and Saatchi & Saatchi agencies. He was also a member of the National Advertising Review Board and conducted career workshops for college students in conjunction with the American Advertising Federation. This collection contains only two direct marketing documents: Direct Marketing Day speech, 1980 (box 4) and "The Competitive Equilibrium of a Direct Market and Core" with Shapley, L. (handwritten drafts), undated (Box 107).
R. Philip Hanes Papers, 1928- 2010
The papers of R. Philip Hanes span the years 1928 to 1987 with the bulk occurring during the 1960s through the 1980s. The Hanes collection is useful as a study of a southern businessman and arts supporter, not only in North Carolina but also nationally, from the late 1950s to the mid-1980s. A principal focus of the collection is the arts involvement of Hanes on a local (Winston-Salem), state (North Carolina), regional, as well as national level. As a result of Hanes's encouragement for the arts, in part through board memberships on numerous arts organizations, the manuscripts contain much information about these organizations as well. Collection contains direct mail printed materials for the Arts Council, Jargon Society, North Carolina Dance Theatre, North Carolina Museum of Art, and the Spoleto Festival.
Kensinger Jones Papers, 1934- 2001
Kensinger was an advertising executive in the 1950s-1980s. The collection documents Jones's primary career as an executive for several major advertising agencies, including Leo Burnett Company, Campbell-Ewald Company, D.P. Brother and Company, Wilding Advertising, and William R.Biggs/Gilmore Associates; and his second career as a professor of advertising at Michigan State University. This collection contains only a single document on direct marketing, "Direct Mail to Whom?" talk delivered to the Direct Mail Club of Detroit, Mar. 7 (Box 63, and slides Box 75).
JWT Bertram Metter Papers, 1908-2000 and undated, bulk 1953-1989
Bertram Metter worked for over thirty years as an advertising and marketing executive, most notably as a copywriter, creative director, and Vice Chairman at J. Walter Thompson USA (JWT). In in early years at JWT, Metter worked as a direct response specialist for the Ford Motor Company direct marketing operation. He also served as a primary on the Ford account, during which time he directed print and television promotion for Ford and played a key role in the launching of several new car models. This collection includes Ford direct marketing materials and newsletters, articles about JWT Direct Network and the Ford Direct Mail project. There are also Ford Direct Mail and Metter direct mail printed materials.
JWT Jack Peters Papers, 1965-1989 and undated
Jack Peters worked at JWT 31 years and served as Chief Operating Officer and President of JWT-USA (1984-1987) and JWT-Worldwide (1986-1987). This collection includes a single document on direct marketing: a copy of Clark Vitulli's Direct Marketing Day speech (1985).
Kenneth Roman Papers, 1906-2011 and undated
Kenneth Roman is a former advertising executive and CEO of Ogilvy & Mather agency, and author of several books. The collection spans the years 1906-2011 and primarily contains materials gathered during Roman's research for a biography of David Ogilvy, The King of Madison Avenue. This collection includes only a single document on direct marketing, "The Importance of Direct Marketing," 1992 (Box 3).
Arlie R. Slabaugh Collection of Direct Mail Literature, 1921-1953
Arlie R. Slabaugh was a publisher, hobby shop dealer and mail order promoter, and collector of periodicals related to the mail order business. The collection offers an overview of the mail order industry during pre-war and World War II-era in the United States. The collection contains periodicals, amateur newspapers, hobby catalogs and printed ephemera, primarily from the 1930s-1940s, but also including examples from the 1920s and 1950s. Most are monthly periodicals, published as staple-bound or self-folding newsprint or glossy pamphlets, with some illustrations. Many of the items are regional in scope, possibly originating from major printing centers and distributed to local markets, particularly in the U.S. South, the Midwest and California.
John Stevenson Papers 1947- 1983 and undated
John Stevenson was a pioneer in direct mail and the director of Greystone Press, which specialized in subscription encyclopedias and continuity series books. The John Stevenson papers span the years 1947-1983 and include correspondence, advertising designs, direct mail/direct marketing mailings, financial records and other materials that document Stevenson's career with Greystone Press selling encyclopedias, book club subscriptions, literary continuity series and home reference manuals. Some of the materials were co-produced by Fred Breismeister, a former New York Post copywriter.
JWT Norman H. Strouse Papers, 1852- 1990 undated
Norman Hulbert Strouse served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of JWT during the 1960s. See Box 7 for the program and other materials related to the Direct Mail Advertising Association Annual Conference (1953). See box 21 for "Discussion of Direct Mail Advertising" (1951), talk delivered to the Ford Dealers' Association.
Benjamin Sussman Papers, 1940- 1995
Benjamin Sussman (1921-2003) was an advertising executive and founder of the Sussman, Jordan and Pollacheck advertising agency. He also worked for Petersen Publishing and as a freelance writer. See the following for direct marketing related materials:
Lester Wunderman Papers, 1946- 2010 and undated
Lester Wunderman is an advertising executive primarily in the direct marketing industry, founder of an agency in his name now a subsidiary of Young & Rubicam, and a noted collector of Dogon (Mali) art works. The Lester Wunderman Papers span the years 1946-2010 and include writings, speeches, correspondence, reports, photographs, audiocassettes, videocassettes, 16mm films, and other materials relating to Wunderman's career in direct marketing and direct-mail advertising, his work on Boards of Directors and Trustees, and as a consultant. Included are drafts, proofs and correspondence relating to Wunderman's 1996 book Being Direct: Making Advertising Pay. Advertising agencies represented in the collection include Caspar Pinsker, Maxwell Sackheim, Wunderman Cato Johnson, Wunderman Ricotta & Kline and Young & Rubicam.