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Compilations, Anthologies, etc.
- Aḥmad, Azīz.
- Muslim self-statement in India and Pakistan 1857-1968.
Wiesbaden, O. Harrassowitz, 1970.
Divinity School Library BP63.I4 A96 1970 Check availability @ Duke
- Alagha, Joseph Elie.
- Hizbullah's documents : from the 1985 open letter to the 2009 manifesto.
Amsterdam: Pallas Publications, [2011]
Perkins/Bostock Library JQ1828.A98 H6138 2011 Check availability @ Duke
Summary: Compilation and translation into English of the original primary documents in Arabic.
- Albaharna, Husain M.
- British extra-territorial jurisdiction in the Gulf 1913-1971 : an analysis of the system of British courts in the territories of the British protected states of the Gulf during the pre-independence era.
Slough: Archive Editions, 1998.
Library Service Center K3850.5 .A935 1998 Check availability @ Duke
- Alexander, Yonah and Allan Nanes.
- The United States and Iran : a documentary history.
Frederick, Md. : Aletheia Books, c1980.
Perkins/Bostock Library E183.8.I55 U56 1980 Check availability @ Duke
- Amin, Camron Michael, et al.
- The modern Middle East : a sourcebook for history
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
Table of contents
Perkins/Bostock Library DS62.4 .M635 2006 Check availability @ Duke
- Archive Editions.
- Records of the Hajj : a documentary history of the pilgrimage to Mecca.
London: Archive Editions, 1993.
Divinity School Library BP187.3 .R44 1993 v.1-10 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. Pilgrim prayers, invocations, and rites -- v. 2. The early caliphal, Mamluk, and Ottoman periods (630-1814)-- v. 3. The Ottoman period (1814-1887) -- v. 4. The Ottoman period (1888-1915) -- v. 5. The Hashimite period (1916-1925) -- v. 6. The Saudi period (1926-1935) -- v. 7. The Saudi period (1935-1951) -- v. 8. The Saudi period (since 1952)--v. 9. Health affairs and the Hajj -- v. 10. Documents and maps (7 on folded leaves in bookcase).
- Atatürk, Kemal, 1881-1938.
Atatürk'ün bütün eserleri.
Beyoğlu, İstanbul: Kaynak Yayınları, 1998-2011.
Library Service Center DR592.K4 A2 1998 v.1-30 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents:
Cilt 1. 1903-1915 -- cilt 2. 1915-1919 -- cilt 3-5. 1919 -- cilt 6. 1919-1920 -- cilt 7. 1 Mart-22 Nisan 1920 -- cilt 8. 23 Nisan-7/8 Temmuz 1920 -- cilt 9. 8 Temmuz-30 Eylül 1920 -- cilt 10. 1 Ekim 1920-31 Ocak 1921 -- cilt 11. Şubat 1921-Eylül 1921 -- cilt 12. 5 Ekim 1921-5 Mayıs 1922 -- cilt 13. 6 Mayıs 1922-15 Ekim 1922 -- cilt 14. 16 Ekim 1922-27 Ocak 1923 -- cilt 15. 23 Ocak 1923-30 Haziran 1923 -- cilt 17. 18 Eylül 1924-27 Eylül 1925 -- cilt 18. 27 Eylül 1925-12 Ekim 1927 -- cilt 19. Nutuk I, 15 Ekim 1927-20 Ekim 1927 -- cilt 20. Nutuk II, 15 Ekim 1927-20 Ekim 1927 -- cilt 21. Nutuk III, vesikalar -- cilt 22. 19 Ekim 1927-1 Kasım 1929 -- cilt 23. 04/05 Kasım 1929-31 Ağustos 1930 -- cilt 24. Ağustos 1930-25 Ocak 1931 -- cilt 25. 26 Ocak 1931-28 Eylül 1932 -- cilt 26. 2 Ekim 1932-27 Eylül 1934 -- cilt 27. 2 Ekim 1934-1 Kasım 1935 -- cilt 28. 2 Kasım 1935-31 Aralık 1936 -- cilt 29. 1 Ocak 1937-29 Eylül 1937 -- cilt 30. 1 Ekim 1937-10 Kasım 1938.
- Auerswald, Philip (ed.)
- Iraq, 1990-2006 : a diplomatic history through documents.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Perkins/Bostock DS79.75 .I728 2009 v.1-3 Check availability @ Duke
- Barzilay-Yegar, Dvorah.
- Archival sources for the history of the British mandate in Palestine, 1914-1948 : a database of documents in Israeli archives.
Jerusalem : The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2005.
Perkins/Bostock Library Electronic Media C276 Check availability @ Duke
- Bassiouni, M. Cherif (ed).
- A guide to documents on the Arab-Palestinian/Israeli conflict,1897-2008.
Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009.
Law Library KZ6795.A72 D63 2009 Check availability @ Duke
- Berger, Elmer.
- Peace for Palestine : first lost opportunity.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1993.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS126.98 .B46 1993 Check availability @ Duke
- Bibi, Mordekhai.
- ha-Maḥteret ha-Tsiyonit-ḥalutsit be-ʻIraḳ : meḥḳar tiʻudi.
Yerushalayim : Mekhon Ben-Tsevi ; [Efʻal] : Yad Ṭabenḳin, 748 [1987 or 1988], c1988.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS150.L5 I722 1987 Check availability @ Duke
Contents: kerekh 1. 1941-1944 -- kerekh 2. 1944-1945. Notes: The underground pioneer Zionist movement in Iraq 1942-1945.
- Brouwer, C.G. and A. Kaplanian, eds.
- Early seventeenth-century Yemen : Dutch documents relating to the economic history of Southern Arabia, 1614-1630.
Leiden ; New York: E.J. Brill, 1988.
Perkins/Bostock Library 330.9533503 E12, 1988
Check availability @ Duke
- Brouwer, C. G.
- Al-Mukhā : profile of a Yemeni seaport as sketched by servants of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), 1614-1640.
Amsterdam: D'Fluyte Rarob,1997.
Perkins/Bostock Library 953.32 B876, A316, 1997
Check availability @ Duke
- Burdett, Anita L. P. (ed.)
- Afghanistan strategic intelligence : British records, 1919-1970.
[England]: Archive Editions, 2002.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS361 .A344 2002 v.1-4 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. 1919-1928, from independence to the civil war -- v. 2. 1928-1939, from the end of the civil war to the declaration of neutrality in World War Two -- v. 3. 1939-1947, from the outbreak of World War Two to the partition of India -- v. 4. 1948-1970, the post-war years.
- Burdett, Anita L. P. (ed.)
- Arab dissident movements, 1905-1955.
Slough, England: Archive Editions, 1996.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS62.8 .A675 1996 v.1-4 Check availability @ Duke
- Table of Contents: v. 1. 1905-1920 -- v. 2. 1921-1932 -- v. 3. 1933-1946 -- v. 4. 1947-1955.
- Burdett, Anita L. P. (ed.)
- The Arab League : British documentary sources, 1943-1963.
[England]: Archive Editions, 1995.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS36.2 .A76 1995 v.1-10 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. Arab unity proposals, 1882-1940 -- v. 2. Arab unity proposals, 1941-1943 -- v. 3. Preliminary talks, 1943-1944 -- v. 4. Inauguration, 1944-1946 -- v. 5. 1946-1947 -- v. 6. 1948-1950 -- v. 7. 1951-1953 -- v. 8. 1954-1957 -- v. 9. 1958-1960 -- v. 10. 1961-1963.
- Burdett, Anita L.P.(ed.)
- Armenia : political and ethnic boundaries, 1878-1948.
[Slough]: Archive Editions, 1998.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS194 .A72 1998 v.1-2 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: [v. 1] Documents -- [v. 2] 13 Maps.
- Burdett, Anita L.P. (ed.)
- Islamic movements in the Arab world, 1913-1966.
London: Archive Editions, 1998.
Perkins/Bostock Library BP173.7 .I7 1998 v.1-v.4 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. 1913-1924 -- v. 2. 1925-1933 -- v. 3. 1934-1948 -- v. 4. 1949-1966.
- Burdett, Anita L.P. (ed.)
- OPEC : origins & strategy, 1947-1973.
[Slough] : Archive Editions, 2004.
Perkins/Bostock Library HD9560.5 .O643 2004 Check availability @ Duke
Contents: v. 1. 1947-1959, developments and events leading to the creation of OPEC in 1960 -- v. 2. 1960-1963 -- v. 3. 1963-1966 -- v. 4. 1967-1971 -- v. 5. 1971-1972 -- v. 6. 1972-1973.
- Burdett, Anita L. P. (ed.)
- Records of the Persian Gulf pearl fisheries 1857-1962.
[England]: Archive Editions, 1995.
Perkins/Bostock Library 639.412 R311 1995 v.1-4 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. 1857-1914 -- v. 2. 1907-1931 -- v. 3. 1930-1962 -- v. 4. Maps.
- Burdett, Anita L.P. (ed.)
- Water resources in the Arabian Peninsula, 1921-1960.
[London]: Archive Editions, 1998.
Perkins/Bostock Library TD314 .W38 1998 v.1-2 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. Bahrain, Qatar, Trucial States, Muscat and Oman, Saudi Arabia -- v. 2. Kuwait.
- Destani, Bejtullah D. (ed.)
- Minorities in the Middle East. Jewish communities in Arab countries, 1841-1974.
Slough: Archive Editions, 2005.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS135.A68 M56 2005 v.1-6 Check availability @ Duke
- Table of Contents: v. 1. 1841-1861 -- v. 2. 1861-1913 -- v. 3. 1917-1943 -- v. 4. 1943-1951 -- v. 5. 1952-1968 -- v. 6. 1969-1974.
- Destani, Bejtullah D.
- The Zionist movement and the foundation of Israel 1839-1972.
Farnham Common : Archive Editions, 2004.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS149 .Z677 2004 Check availability @ Duke
Contents: v. 1. 1839-1916 -- v. 2. 1917-1918 -- v. 3. 1919-1928 -- v. 4. 1928-1934 -- v. 5. 1935-1937 -- v. 6. 1937-1940 -- v. 7. 1941-1945 -- v. 8. 1945-1948 -- v. 10. 1948-1972.
- Dmytryshyn, Basil et al.
- The Soviet Union and the Middle East 1917-1985
Princeton, NJ, USA : Kingston Press, 1987.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS63.2.S65 S657 1987 Check availability @ Duke
- Goitein, S. D.
- A Mediterranean society; the Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1967-1993.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS135.L4 G658 1967 v.1-6 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. Economic foundations.--v. 3. The family.--v.4. Daily life.--v. 5. The individual -- v. 6. Cumulative indices.
- Click here for Online version
- Hurewitz, J. C. (ed.)
- Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East; a documentary record.
Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand, 1956.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS42 .H87 1956 v.1-2 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. 1535-1914.--v. 2. 1914-1956.
- Hurewitz, J. C.
- The Middle East and North Africa in world politics : a documentary record.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 1975.
Perkins/Bostock Library 956 H963DA Check availability @ Duke
Contents: v. 1. European expansion, 1535-1914.--v. 2. British-French supremacy, 1914-1945.
- Jarman, Robert L.
- Israel political & economic reports, 1948-1953 : Israel under the premiership of David Ben Gurion, 1948-1953.
Cambridge, UK ; New York: Cambridge Archive Editions, 2010.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS126.5 .I798 2010 v.1-7 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. 1948 -- v. 2. 1949 -- v. 3. 1950 -- v. 4. 1951 -- v. 5. 1952 -- v. 6. 1953, part I -- v. 7. 1953, part II.
- Jarman, Robert L.
- Israel : political & economic reports, 1954-1955 : Israel under the premiership of Moshe Sharett.
Cambridge, UK ; New York: Cambridge Archive Editions, 2011.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS126.5 .I798 2011 v.1-6 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. 1954, part I. -- v. 2. 1954, part II. -- v. 3. 1955, part I. -- v. 4. 1955, part II. -- v. 5. 1955, part III. -- v. 6. 1955, part IV.
- Jarman, Robert L. (ed.)
- Political diaries of the Arab world. Palestine and Jordan.
[Slough]: Archive Editions, 2001.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS126 .P55 2001x v.1-10 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. 1920-1923 -- v. 2. 1924-1936 -- v. 3. 1937-1938 -- v. 4. 1939 -- v. 5. 1939-1940 -- v. 6. 1941-1942 -- v. 7. 1943-1944 -- v. 8. 1945-1946 -- v. 9. 1947 -- v. 10. 1948-1965.
- Khater, Akram Fouad.
- Sources in the history of the modern Middle East.
- Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2011.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS62.4 .K53 2011 Check availability @ Duke
- Kornbluh, Peter and Malcolm Byrne.
- The Iran-Contra scandal : the declassified history.
New York : New Press : Distributed by W.W. Norton, 1993.
Perkins/Bostock Library E876 .I735 1993 Check availability @ Duke
System Number
- Kuran, Timur.
- Mahkeme kayıitları ışığında 17. yüzyıl İstanbul'unda sosyo-ekonomik yaşam = Social and economic life in seventeenth-century Istanbul : glimpses from court records.
İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası, 2010-
Perkins/Bostock Library HC493.I85 M34 2010 v.1-10 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: Cilt 1. Esnaf ve loncalar. Hıristiyan ve Yahudi cemaat işleri. Yabancılar = vol. 1. Guilds and guildsmen. Communal affairs of Christians and Jews. Foreigners -- cilt 2. Ticari ortaklıklar = vol. 2. Commercial partnerships -- cilt 3. Devlet-toplum ilişkileri (1602-19) = vol. 3. State-subject relations (1602-19) -- cilt 4. Devlet-toplum ilişkileri (1661-97) = vol. 4. State-subject relations (1661-97) -- cilt 5. Vakıflar (1602-17) = vol. 5. Waqfs (1602-17) -- cilt 6. Vakıflar (1617-61) = vol. 6. Waqfs (1617-61) -- cilt 7. Vakıflar (1661-83) = vol. 7. Waqfs (1661-83) -- cilt 8. Vakıflar (1689-97) = vol. 8. Waqfs (1689-97) -- cilt 9. Kredi piyasaları ve faiz uygulamaları (1602-61) = vol. 9. Credit markets and uses of Interest (1602-61) -- cilt 10. Kredi piyasaları ve faiz uygulamaları (1661-97). Genel dizin = vol. 10. Credit markets and uses of interest (1661-97). General Index.
- Lapidoth, Ruth and Moshe Hirsch (eds.)
- The Arab-Israel conflict and its resolution : selected documents.
Dordrecht ; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1992.
Goodson Law Library DS119.7 .A6719 1992 Check availability @ Duke
- Meho, Lokman I.
- The Kurdish question in U.S. foreign policy : a documentary sourcebook.
Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2004.
Perkins/Bostock Library E183.8.I57 K87 2004 Check availability @ Duke
- Moore, John Norton (ed.)
- The Arab-Israeli conflict.
Princeton, N. J. : Princeton University Press, 1974-c1991.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS119.7 .A6718 1975 Check availability @ Duke
Contents: v. 1. Readings.--v. 2. Readings.--v. 3. Documents.--v. 4. The difficult search for peace (1975-1988).
- La Nation arabe.
- Farnham Common, England: Archive Editions, 1988.
Library Service Center N277AB v.1(1930/1931) - 4(1937/1938) Check availability @ Duke
- Notes: Reprint. Originally published monthly: Genève : Bureau de la délégation syro-palestinienne, 1930-1938. Vols. for 1935-1938 called also année 5-8. v.1(1930/1931), v.2(1932/1934), v.3(1935/1936), v.4(1937/1938).
- Netton, Ian Richard.
- Islamic and Middle Eastern geographers and travellers.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2008.
Perkins/Bostock Library G93 .I75 2008 Check availability @ Duke
Contents: v. I. Medieval geographers and travellers -- v. II. The travels of Ibn Jubayr -- v. III. The travels of Ibn Battuta -- v. IV. The post-medieval and early modern period. For detailed table of contents click here.
Note: Includes some source texts in Arabic.
- Palestine statehood committee papers [1939-1949]
- Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, Inc., 1997.
Perkins/Bostock Library Microfilm M9761 Check availability @ Duke
Notes: "MSS group no. 690. Series I-IV and addition May, 1981." Correspondence, memoranda, reports, publications, advertisements, and clippings related to five committees active in the United States from 1939 to 1949: the American Friends of a Jewish Palestine, the Committee for an Army of Stateless and Palestinian Jews, the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, the American League for a Free Palestine, and the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation. Guide filmed at the beginning of reel 1, compiled by Katherine Morton.
- Procházka-Eisl, Gisela.
- Osmanische Beamtenschreiben Und Privatbriefe Der Zeit Suleymans Des Prachtigen Aus Dem Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv zu Wien.
Wien: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007.
Perkins/Bostock Library AS125 .V5467 Bd.357 (incl. CD) Check availability @ Duke
- Rabinovich, Itamar and Jehuda Reinharz (eds.).
- Israel in the Middle East : documents and readings on society, politics, and foreign relations, pre-1948 to the present.
Waltham, Mass. : Brandeis University Press ; Hanover : Published by University Press of New England, c2008.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS126.5 .I784 2008 Check availability @ Duke
This anthology provides convenient access to the most significant documents of the Zionist movement since 1882 and of Israel's domestic and foreign policy issues between 1948 and 2006. Comprised largely of primary sources from Israeli, Arab, and American records, documents encompass not only political and diplomatic history but economic, cultural, legal and social aspects of the region as well. It also addresses areas not covered by the 1984 edition: a new chapter on the pre-state period, additional documents that reflect the Palestinian perspective, and the voices of women. Divided into seven chronological sections, documents are introduced by an overview of the entire era. They are annotated and preceded by explanatory headnotes.
- Ro'i, Yaacov.
- From encroachment to involvement: a documentary study of Soviet policy in the Middle East, 1945-1973
Published: New York : Wiley, 1974.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS63.2.R9 R64 1974 Check availability @ Duke
- Sanjian, Ara.
- Turkey and her Arab neighbours, 1953-1958 : a study in the origins and failure of the Baghdad pact.
[Slough]: Archive Editions, 2001.
Perkins/Bostock Library DR479.A65 S26 2001 Check availability @ Duke
- Seay, Angela and Patricia Toye (eds.)
- Israel : boundary disputes with Arab neighbours, 1946-1964.
Slough: Archive Editions, 1995.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS119.7 .I823 1995 v.1-10 Check availability @ Duke
- Table of Contents: v. 1. 1946-1947 -- v. 2. 1948-1950 -- v. 3. 1949 -- v. 4. 1950 -- v. 5. 1951-1952 -- v. 6. 1953-1954 -- v. 7. 1955 -- v. 8. 1955 -- v. 9. 1956-1957 -- v. 10. 1958-1964.
- Shaw, Stanford J.
- From empire to republic : the Turkish war of national liberation, 1918-1923 : a documentary study.
Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 2000.
Perkins/Bostock Library DR589 .S53 2000 v.1-4 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: Vol. 1. The rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1918 -- v. 2. Turkish resistance to Allied occupation, 1918-1920 -- v. 3, pt. 1-2. From Turkish resistance to the Turkish war of national liberation, 1920-1922 -- v. 4. Final victory : emergence of the Turkish Republic, 1922-1923 -- v. 5. Bibliography, appendices and index.
- Smith, Steven (ed.)
- The Red Sea Region : sovereignty, boundaries and conflict, 1839-1967.
Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge Archive Editions, 2008.
Perkins/Bostock Library DT39 .R45 2008 v.1-6 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. 1839-1892 : Ottoman influence, European encroachments and the Suez Canal -- v. 2. 1892-1920 : erosion and collapse of Ottoman sovereignty, consolidation of the European presence, and the rise of nationalism in Egypt and Arabia -- v. 3. 1920-1935 : post-war instability and European rivalry -- v. 4. 1935-1945 : the Italo-Ethiopian crisis and the Second World War -- v. 5. 1945-1957 : the waning of British predominance -- v. 6. 1957-1967 : the triumph of nationalism.
- Süleyman I, Sultan of the Turks, 1494 or 1495-1566.
- Die Schreiben Süleymāns des Prächtigen an Vasallen, Militärbeamte, Beamte und Richter.
Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1986.
Perkins/Bostock Library AS125 .V5467 Bd.183 Bd.183=v.1+2
Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: [v. 1] Transkriptionen und Übersetzungen -- [v. 2] Faksimile.
- Ṭaʼuber, Eliʻezer.
- Military resistance in late mandatory Palestine : the activities of the Jewish and Arab military organizations as reflected in the reports of High Commissioner General Sir Alan Cunningham.
Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2012.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS126.4 .T365 2012 Check availability @ Duke
- Table of Contents: Introduction : British, Jews, and Arabs -- The Jewish Forces : The Hagana; The IZL; The LHI ; -- The Arab Forces : The Najjada, the Futuwwa, and the Arab Youth Organization ; The National Committees and the Army of Sacred Jihad ; The Rescue Army ; The Egyptian Volunteers -- Cunningham's Reports : The Missing File ; The Documents ; Some Statistics ; -- Comparisons with Jewish and Arab Sources : The Jewish Sources ; The Arab Sources ; Some General Conclusions Drawn from the Comparisons -- The Cunningham Reports : File 75156/151A Part I of 1947 [CO 733/477/3] 59 File 75156/151A Part II of 1947 [CO 733/477/4] 142 File 75156/151A Part I of 1948 File 75156/151A Part II of 1948 [CO 733/477/5]
- Tomeh, George J.
- United Nations resolutions on Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1947-1974.
Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1975.
Perkins/Bostock Library JZ4997.5.P19 U558 1975 Check availability @ Duke
- Tuson, Penelope et al. (eds.)
- Records of Bahrain : primary documents, 1820-1960.
[Slough]: Archive Editions, 1993.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS247.B25 R43 1993 v.1 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. 1820-1868 -- v. 2. 1868-1892 -- v. 3. 1892-1923 -- v. 4. 1923-1932 -- v. 5. 1932-1942 -- v. 6. 1942-1950 -- v. 7. 1951-1960 -- v. 8. Maps & tables (12 folded plates in portfolio).