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Romance Studies: French, Francophone, Latin America, Caribbean, Iberia, Africa

Guide to Resources in French & Francophone Literature and History

Foreign Law Guide

The Duke Law School Library holds many resources for foreign law research. The Foreign Law Guide is a great starting point for foreign legal research. The BNF has a useful guide on Guide d'accès aux rapports, lois, règlements, statistiques des institutions officielles françaises

Internet Resources French Laws

Current Information

Assemblée Nationale 
This comprehensive site supported by the National Assembly provides much information on the processes and make up of the Assembly. An English version is available.

Journal Officiel
This is the official site maintained by the Journaux Officiels.  It provides free access to the Journaux since 1998 and grants access the the Journaux between 1990 and 1998 for a fee.

Among other things, this link provides searchable access to the Journaux Officiel since 1998.

National Institute of Statistics
Site of the institute that officially coordinates all of France's public statistics.

  • Annuaire Statistique de la France
    Printed by the Ministry of Finance, Perkins library has volumes:1(1878)-79(1974) 87(1982) to date.
    Perkins  HA1213 .A4; Latest volume in Perkins Reference.

Other Official French Websites   (a snapshot of 2002; ministries change names frequently)
This site links to smaller French ministries and agencies.

Political Parties
Links to the official websites of political parties of the world's nations including France.

President's Office 
This site is maintained by the office of the President.  It provides general information on the government of France as well as speeches and official foreign policy statements.  It is a good source for full text of basic documents such as the French constitution.

Prime Minister's Office
Official website maintained by the office of the Prime Minister.

This site is maintained by the French Senate.  It includes links to senators, parliamentary business, and European Union concerns.

Portal for French administrative government and civic information.

This site is supported by the Association of College and Research Libraries and provides links to a variety of information sources on the governments of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Monaco.

Historical Information

Below you will find a summary of Duke holdings of French historical government documents covering the time period since 1789. For a comprehensive analysis of available French government documents, please consult the Guide to French Government Documents at University of Pennsylvania. The guide lists documents for the following periods (quoted from the U Penn website):

Fifth Republic (1958-)
Fourth Republic (1946-1958)
Provisional/French Government in Exile (1943-1946)
Vichy (1940-1944)
Third Republic (1871-1940)
The Commune (1871)
Second Empire (1852-1870)
Second Republic (1848-1852)
First Empire (1804-1815)
The Consulate (1799-1804)
The Revolution/First Republic/Directory (1789-1799)


Recueil général des anciennes lois françaises : depuis l'an 420 jusqu'à la révolution de 1789
Paris, 1821-1833.  Library has volumes 1-29. 
Perkins/Bostock Library: Stacks | KJV233 .F736 1821

Recueil général annoté des loisdecretsordonnances, etc. depuis le mois de juin 1789...Paris,1834
Library has volume 1, 1789-1932.  Library Service Center 349.44 R311
More recent French Statutes are in the Law School Library


Journal Officiel is a frequently-used term for French parliamentary papers.  In general, debates and other parliamentary documents have been published as parts of, or supplements to, Journal Officiel de la Republique Française and its predecessor, Le MoniteurUniversel.  Many of these same debates and documents have also been published throughout the years as separate titles, usually by the Assembly responsible for them.  The Duke University Library has various editions of French parliamentary papers, some published by Journal Officiel  and some by other bodies.   This portion of the guide is an attempt to tie together Duke's collection, regardless of publisher, so that users can more easily find the debates and publications of a particular Assembly at a particular time.   The following parliamentary papers are listed chronologically.

Réimpression de l'Ancien Moniteur  (Gazette Nationale ou Le Moniteur).  Paris, 1850-1854. 
Library has 32 volumes including an introductory volume and the index (vol. 31) for May 1787-November 1999. 
Perkins DC140 .A15 1847

Le Moniteur Universel.  Paris, May 5, 1789-December 31, 1868. 
Title varies; from 1789-1810 Le Moniteur was called Gazette Nationale ou Le Moniteur Universel.  Superseded by:
Journal Officiel de la République Francaise. 
Library has Nov. 24 1789-Mar. 20, 1797; 1807; 1810; 1811; 1814-1820; 1822; 1823 (jan 26-juin.); 1829; 1831 (jan.-juin); 1832-1840 (mai-juin); 1841; 1843-1847.  Index: Sept 22, 1799-1814; 1815; 1822-1828, in the:
Special Collections Library.

France.  Journal Officiel de l'Empire Français, 1869-1870. 
Continues Moniteur Universel and is superceded by Journal Officiel de la République Francaise.  Library has 1869-1870 in the:
Special Collections Library.

France.  Journal Officiel de la République Française.  Paris, 1869- 
Library Service Center 328.447 fF815H

Journal Officiel is the record of daily parliamentary sessions.  Completeness of information varies from volume to volume.  Often verbatim debates of one or both assemblies are included as well as the laws and decrees enacted, and non-parliamentary reports or correspondence.  The key to what a particular issue's contents are is in the "Sommaire du date" on the first page of each issue.  In some cases, the "sommaire" refers to specific pages as "annexes" or Compte rendu, published as supplementary volumes of Journal Officiel.
Library has: 1871-1893; 1894 (Jan.-Oct.); 1895-1897; 1904 (July-Oct.); 1905 (May-Dec.); 1906 (May-Aug.); 1908(July-Dec.); 1909 (Jan.-Feb., April-Nov.); 1910; 1911 (Jan.-Feb., May-Dec.); 1912-1913; 1914 (Jan-Feb., May-June); 1915-1917; 1918 (Jan-Oct.); scattered issues for 1919, 1922, 1923.

Archives Parlementaires de 1787 à 1860; recueil complet des débats législatifs et politiques des chambres françaises imprime par ordre du Sénat et de la chambre des Députés...Paris.  This is a complete collection of debates and some other records of French assemblies from 1787-1860.  The library is currently receiving a reprint edition. 
Perkins 328.44 qF814z

France.  Assemblée Constituante, Compte rendu des séances. 
This series was published between 1848 and 1849 and superseded the Procès-verbal de la Chambre des Deputes, 1814-1848.  The latter title is not available at Duke or UNC. 
Perkins J341 .H8

France.  Assemblée Nationale, Compte rendu des séances, 1849-1851.  This series supersedes the previous title.  Library has a complete set. 
Perkins 328.44 qF815CA

France.  Assemblée Nationale, Annales du Sénat et du Corps législatif, 1852-1870.  Supersedes the Compte Rendu des Séances.  Library has 1861-1867; 1868, t.1-2, 5-16; 1869-1970. 
Perkins J341 .H23

France.  Assemblée Nationale, 1871-1942.  Annales, t. 1-45 (Feb. 12, 1871-March 8, 1876).  Library has volumes 1-45. 
Perkins 328.44 qF815CB

France.  Assemblée Nationale, 1871-1942.  Annales du Sénat et de la Chambre des Députés,  t. 1-50 (March 8, 1876-Dec. 28, 1880).  Library has volumes 1-50.  
Perkins 328.44 qF815D

France.  Assemblée Nationale, 1871-1942. Sénat.  Annales du Sénat.  Débats parlementaires /Documents parlementaires (sessions ordinaire et extraordinare).  
Library has:    1881 Débats, t. 1-2(Jan. 11-July 29, Oct. 28-Dec 16)
                               Documents, (Jan. 11-July 29, Oct. 28-Dec. 16)
                      1882 Débats, t. 1-2 bound together  (Jan. 10-Aug. 9, Nov. 9-Dec. 29)
                               Documents, t. 1-4 bound together (Jan. 10-Aug. 9, Nov, 9-Dec. 29)
                      1883 Débats, t. 1-3 (Jan. 9-Aug. 2, Oct. 23-Dec.29)
                               Documents, (Jan. 9-Aug. 2, Oct. 23-Dec. 29)
                      1884 Débats, t. 1 (Jan. 8-April 8), t. 2-3 bound together  (May 20- Aug. 16, Oct. 14-Dec. 29)
                               Documents, (Jan. 8-Aug. 16), Oct. 14-Dec. 29)
                               Débats et  documents, Revision des lois constitutionnelles du 4 au 13 Aout, 1884.
                      1885 Débats, t. 1-3 bound together ( Jan 13-Aug. 6, Nov. 10-Dec. 29)
                               Documents, (Jan 13-Aug 6., Nov. 10-Dec. 29)
                      1886 Débats, t. 1-3 bound together with t. 1 last (Jan .12-July 15, Oct. 14-Dec. 18)
                               Documents, (Jan. 12-July 15, Oct. 14-Dec. 15)
                      1887 Débats, t. 1-3 bound together  (Jan. 11-July 22, Oct. 25-Dec. 17) 
                               Documents, (Jan.11-July 22, Oct. 25-Dec. 17)
                      1888 Débats, t. 1-3 (Jan. 10-July 18, Oct. 15-Dec. 29)
                               Documents, (Jan. 10-July 18, Oct. 15-Dec.29)
                      1889 Débats, t. 1-3 bound together (Jan. 8-July 15, Nov. 12-Dec. 23)  
                               Documents, (Jan. 8-July 15)
                      1890 Débats, t. 1-2 (Jan. 14-Aug. 6)
Each volume has an index to its contents.  Perkins 328.44 qF815E

France.  Assemblée Nationale, 1871-1942.  Sénat.  Annales du Sénat.  Débats parlementaires (sessions ordinaire et extraordinaire).
Library has: v. 27-v. 89 (1890-1918); v. 90, pt. 2- v. 132 (June 17,1919-1940).
Except for v. 90, pt. 1, the Senate debates are complete for the period 1890-1940. Each volume has an index. In this same call number  is a second partial set of Senate debates in another edition for 1881-1918. 
Library Service Center 328.44 qF815A

France. Assemblée Nationale, 1871-1942. Sénat.
Annales du Sénat.  Documents parlementaires (sessions ordinaire et extraordinaire).
Library has:    Sess. ord. - 1890, 1920-1938.
                      Sess. extra. - 1890; 1921-1922; 1925-1929
                      (lst. & 2nd.); 1931-1932 (lst & 2nd); 1933-1938.  Perkins 328.44 qF815AD

France. Assemblée Nationale, 1871-1942. Chambre des Députés.  Annales. Débats Parlementaires
(sessions ordinaire et extraordinaire). Nouv. ser. t. 1-170, Jan. 11, 1881-July 9, 1940.
Library has: v. 1-23 (1881-1888); v. 26-62 (1888-1900); v. 63, pt. 2 (Feb. 26-March 29, 1901); v. 65-88 (1901-1909); v. 89, pt. 2 (1909); v. 90-170 (1910-1940).
Each volume has an index to its contents. 
Library Service Center 328.44 qF815B

France. Assemblée Nationale, 1871-1942. Chambre des Députés. Annales. Documents Parlementaires
(sessions ordinaire et extra-ordinaire).
Library has: v. 1-29, 1881-1889. Each volume has an index to its contents. 
Perkins 328.44 qF815BC

France. Assemblée Nationale, 1871-1942. Annales. Documents Parlementaires.  Chambre des Députés.
Library has partial holdings for the period 1880-1889. As this period, except for 1880, is better covered by the title listed directly above, only complete holdings for the period 1890-1937 are listed below. 
Perkins 328.44 F815AT
Library has: 1890, pt. 1-2, (sess. ord)
                   1891, pt. 1-3,. (sess. ord & extra)
                   1892, pt. 1-3, (sess. ord & extra)
                   1893, pt. l&3, (sess. ord & extra)
                   1895, pt. 1-2, (sess. ord & extra)
                   1896, pt. 1-2, (sess. ord & extra)
                   1925, t. 106-107, (sess. ord & extra)
                   1930-1934, t. 118-129, (sess. ord & extra)
                   1935-1936, t. 130, pt. 2-t. 134 (sess. ord & extra)
                   1936-1937, t. 135, pt. 2-t. 137 (sess. ord & extra)

France. Assemblée Consultative Provisoire, 1943-1945.  Débats de l'Assemblée, 3 volumes, Nov. 7, 1944-August 3, 1945. Library has v. 1-3. 
Perkins 328.44 fF815HA

France. Assemblée Nationale Constituante, 1945-1946.  Annales. Débats, v. 1-6, Nov. 6, 1945-April 6, 1946.
Library has: v. 1-3, Nov. 6, 1945-March 30, 1946. 
Perkins 328.44 fF815HB

France.  Assemblée Nationale Constituante, 1945-1946. Annales. Débats, v. 1-3, June 2- October 5, 1946.
Library has v. 1-3. 
Perkins 328.44 qF815HC

France. Assemblée Nationale Constituante, 1945-1946.  Documents. Annexes aux procès-verbaux des séances. Projects et de lois, exposés des motifs et rapports.
Library has complete file in one volume. 
Perkins 328.44 fF815HCB

France. Conseil de la République. Comptes rendus des Débats.
Library has: Dec. 1946-Dec. 1952; Mar.-July, Dec. 1953; Jan.-Aug., Oct.-Dec., 1954; Jan.-Aug., Oct.-Dec. 1955; Jan.-July, Oct.-Dec. 1956; Jan.-July 1957. 
Perkins 328.44 fF815HE

France. Conseil de la République.  Annales. Documents Parlementaires.
Note: all but one volume have spine title: France.  Assemblée Consultative Provisoire. Débats.)
Library has: v. 1, 1946/1947; v. 4-12, 1949-1956/57. 
erkins 328.447 qF815HA

France. Parlement (1946- ). Assemblée Nationale.  Annales. Débats, Nov. 28, 1946-1958. (1946 Constitution)
Library has:    1. Législature, 1946-1951, v. 1-22, 1946-1948; v. 24-28, 1949; v. 30-32, 1949; v. 34-
                          43, 1950; v. 46-48, 1951; v. 50-51, 1951
                      2. Législature, 1951-1955, v. 1-36, 1951-1955.
                      3. Legislature, 1955-1958, v. 1-13, 1956-1957; v. 15-17, 1957-1958.
In general, the last volume for each year contains the index to that year's sessions.  Library does not have an index to 1950 nor the last volumes for the 2nd and 3rd Legislatures which contain the indexes for those years.  Perkins 328.44 fF815HDA

France.  Parlement (1946- ). Assemblée Nationale. (Journal Officiel).  Débats, 1959-. (1958 Constitution)
Library has: 1. Législature, 1959-1962, v. 1-21, 1959-1962.
                   2. Législature, 1963-1966, v. 1-29, 1963-1966.
                   3. Législature, 1967-May 1968, v. 1-6, 1967; Jan.-May 1968.
                   4. Législature, July 1968-March 1974  There are separate volumes of indexes for 1968, 1969,
                       1971, 1972.
                   5. Législature, April 1974-May 1978.
                   6. Législature, June 1978-December 1979.  Perkins 328.44 F815HDA

France. Parlement (1946-). Assemblée Nationale.  (Journal Officiel)  Débats Parlementaires.
Library has:  6. Législature, Jan. 1980-April 1981.
                    7. Législature, July 1981-Feb. 1986.
                    8. Législature, April 1986 to date.
                    Indexes appear at the end of each year.  Microfiche S6479

France. Parlement (1946- ). Assemblée Nationale. Annales. Documents Parlementaires.
Library has:  1. Législature, v. 1-4, 1946-1947; v. 7-11, 1948-1950; v. 13-15, 1950-1951
                    2. Législature, v. 1-11, 1951-1954; v. 13-15, 1955-1955/1956.
                    3. Législature, v. 1-6, 1955/56-1956/57.  Perkins 328.44 F815HCE

France. Parlement (1946- ). Sénat. Comptes rendus des Débats, 1958/59-
Library has: 1958/59-Dec. 1979.  Perkins 328.44 F815HDC

Specialized Sources

Dahl, Henry. 
Dahl's Law Dictionary: French to English/English to French: an annotated legal dictionary including authoritative definitions from codes, case law, statutes and legal writing.
Paris: Editions Dalloz, 2001.
Law Reference K52.F7 D35 2001

Dampierre, Jacques D. 
Les Publications Officielles des Pouvoirs Publics; étude critique et administrative.  Paris: Editions A. Picard et fils, 1942. 
Perkins  025.1734 D166P

Lidderdale, D. W. S. 
The Parliament of France. London: The Hansard Society, 1951. 
Perkins 328.44 L712P

Roberts, A.D. and Wojewodski, F. P. 
French Parliamentary Documents. College and Research Libraries, 14:255-258 and 265, July 1953.  Perkins Periodicals C697C

Roussier. M.  
Les Publications Officielles du Government Français.
In Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.  European Center.  Les Publications Officielles et de la Documentation Internationale, 1952 pp. 31-52.
Library Service Center --- 015 C289P  

Westfall, Gloria. 
French Official Publications. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1980.
Perkins Reference 070.5950944 W527, F873, 1980

Almanach National; annuaire officiel de la République Française
(Earlier volumes have various titles: Almanach Royal,Almanach Imperial, etc.), 1700-1919.  Special Collections Library has 1793-1804, 1848-1852, 1871-1906, 1909.  (The library also has 1880-1919 is available on microfilm).
This important source provides information about the personnel  and organization of the French government through the First World War.  It contains official lists for the Sénat, Cabinet, and Assemblée Nationale, as well as lists of government officers. It also includes information about some non-governmental organizations such as colleges and universities.

Robert, Adolphe.
Dictionnaire des parlementaires français, comprenant tous les membres des assemblées françaises et tous les ministres français depuis le ler mai 1789 jusqu'au ler mai 1889, avec leurs noms, état civil, états de services, actes politiques, votes parlementaires, etc.  1891, 5 volumes. 
Perkins Reference 923.244 R639D 
        This work contains biographical sketches of members of parliament and ministers: 1789-1889.

Jolly, Jean.  
Dictionnarie des parlementaires français; notices biographiques sur les ministres, sénateurs et députés français de 1889 à 1940. 
Perkins Reference 923.244 J75D
        This work continues the volumes compiled by A. Robert and G. Cougny.