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French and Francophone Studies

Guide to Resources in French & Francophone Literature and History

Online Dictionaries French - French

  • Dictionnaire de l’Académie française: Dictionary of the French language from the French Academy. Contains all editions back to 1694, allowing for comparisons of meaning, spelling and usage over time, and word histories. The 9th (current) edition is still in publication, with three volumes completed to date. Open access.
  • The Dictionnaire des francophones: Open, collaborative dictionary aiming to include all the words of French to reflect the diversity of usage across the world. Open access.
  • Le Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse (DHS): Open dictionary of Swiss history. Entries in French, German, and Italian. Open access.
  • Le Robert dico en ligne: Freely available dictionary from Le Robert offering definitions, synonyms, and verb conjugations. While less comprehensive than Le Grand Robert, it still offers an impressive 165,000 definitions. Open access.
  • Trésor de la langue française: Historically important 16-volume dictionary of the French language of the 19th and 20th centuries; been digitized and freely available. Provides definitions, history of usage, and etymology. Open access.