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Writing 101: Preventing Pandemics

LibGuide for Writing 101 Students

Science & Engineering Librarian

Profile Photo
Deric Hardy

Perkins 233
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Call me: 919-660-5928

Day 3

Day 3: Google Scholar and MS Copilot

What is Google Scholar?

  • Google Scholar is a freely accessed search engine and NOT "technically" a database, however, it indexes a wide range of scholarly sources such as articles, theses, books, conference papers, and etc.
  • You can access a broad language of literature through Google Scholar, from a multidisciplinary perspective, and Duke users can access available full-text articles on-campus and off-campus through VPN and configuring library link access.

Searching With Google Scholar

Utilize Database Search Strategies for Google Scholar

General Strategies

  1. Basic Search: Start with a simple keyword search related to your topic.

    • Example: ebola west africa inequality 

  2. Phrase Search: Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.

    • Example: "economic policy"

  3. Boolean Operators: Use AND, OR, and the minus sign ( - ) to refine your search.

    • Example: (ebola OR EVD)  AND (2013 OR 2014 OR 2015 OR 2016)

  4. Wildcard Search: Use an asterisk (*) as a placeholder for any word.

    • Example: Ecolog* = Will search for the words Ecology, Ecological

Advanced Strategies

  1. Title Search: Use the intitle: prefix to find articles with specific words in the title.

    • Example: intitle: deforestation ebola west africa or liberia or guinea or sierra leone

Accessing Full-Text Articles Off-Campus With Google Scholar



Complete the following steps:

  1. Type in Google search box
  2. Click on
  3. Select "Settings"
  4. Next, "Library Links"
  5. Then type in the "Show library access links for" box the following:

For Duke University access to full-text articles

  • Type "Duke University Libraries - Getit@Duke" and "DUKE UNIVERSITY - ProQuest Fulltext" will appear

For access to Open WorldCat access

  • Type "Open WorldCat" and "Open WorldCat - Library Search" will appear

Using Microsoft Copilot