Keywords are terms generated from the main concepts of your research question.
Develop Keywords from your Research Topic to Search for Peer-Reviewed Articles in Research Databases
"Did the economic policies of Liberia in 2014 impact healthcare access and contribute to the transmission of the Ebola Virus Disease?"
Use a Topic Map
Download - Blank Topic Map:
Create additional keywords with synonyms, acronyms, and other related terms
Synonyms: Words or phrases that mean the same or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.
Acronyms: Words formed from the initial letters of a phrase. They're like linguistic shortcuts.
Multi-disciplinary databases perform broader scoped searches:
Subject-specific databases perform more narrowly scoped searches:
You may add the following operators in addition to your keywords to refine your search results
AND: Narrows your search results
OR: Broadens your search results.
NOT: Excludes terms that you do not want to appear in your search results.