Access these tools from the Geoprocessing Pane: choose the Analysis Tab in the Ribbon and clicking on Tools in the Geoprocessing Group.
The Proximity toolset includes the following geoprocessing tools:
Select by Location: Access this from the Selection Group under the Map tab in the ArcGIS Pro Ribbon, which opens the Select Layer by Location geoprocessing tool. Adds, updates, or removes a layer's selection based on a spatial relationship to features in another or the same layer. Relationship examples include Within a Distance, Intersect, Contains, Within, etc. Graphic examples and comparison of relationships.| On using this procedure between features in the same layer
Measure Tool: Access this from the Inquiry Group under the Map tab in the ArcGIS Pro Ribbon. Click on this icon to turn the cursor into this tool. Allows you to measure distances along a line, areas of polygons, and other basic measurements. Some calculations require your map to use a projected coordinate system.
Add Geometry Attributes: This geoprocessing tool adds measurement values to a new field in the layer's attribute table. Includes, depending on the type of feature (points, lines, polygon): Area or Perimeter (polygons), Length (lines) , X- or Y-coordinate of centroid (polygons or lines) or of point, X- or Y-coordinate of start or end point of lines. The Add XY Coordinates tool will do just that for point layers.
Open the Geoprocessing Pane by choosing the Analysis Tab in the Ribbon and clicking on Tools in the Geoprocessing Group.