Duke Sports Analytics Club will primarily be a platform in which people can do projects diving into a sport or problem of their choice. Afterward, they could publish that research project in an article which would be posted on our public facing website. We are partnering with many Duke Athletics Division I teams, allowing for dedicated members who are interested in working with the athletic department to help our school. Furthermore, we provide opportunities for members to participate in sports analytics competitions, attend conferences, and conduct research in the field. Our mission is to foster a community in which anyone can get involved and apply their interest in sports analytics in any capacity possible. Click here for access to the club via DukeGroups.
Equity in Athletics (U.S. Department of Education)
10 Steps to Get Started in Sports Analytics in 2023
A Guide to Getting Started with R (Duke Sports Analytics Club)
CRAN Task View: Sports Analytics
Search peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
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