ERUDIT 150 Canadian scholarly and cultural publishers, including French-language Canadian university presses.
Eureka.CC Provides access to news and current event sources from North America, Latin America, and Europe. These sources range from large newspapers, such as Le Monde (PDF view) and Le Figaro, to small regional newspapers, as well as other formats such as newswires, specialized periodicals, and radio and television transcripts.
L'Harmathèque L’Harmathèque's platform offers a large volume of content in the form of ebooks, articles, videos, and audio recordings on many subjects in the humanities and social sciences. One notable subject area is Africana.The content of the ebooks comes from a variety of French publishing imprints, including L’Harmattan, Pagala, Odin, and IXE.Provider: L'HARMATTAN.
For articles in Anthropology, History Literature, etc. go to DATABASES A_Z and use the SUBJECT search to find the top databases for each discipline
Search for articles from journals and magazines, books and encyclopedias in the French language
Search for global news and information content, including Dow Jones, Reuters Newswires, and The Wall Street Journal. Text & data mining prohibited by license. See the "more" link for details.
Text and data mining (TDM) of Factiva content is prohibited by license. TDM includes mass downloading of content via scripts (aka scraping) *and* via Factiva's internal tools for downloading content. Please use ProQuest's TDM Studio for text mining.
Search for journal articles in biomedicine. Citations are from medical and life science journals
Search for news, business, legal, medical, and congressional information. Note: formerly named Lexis Nexis Academic.
Search French-language articles in the field of the social and human sciences
Search for journal articles in biomedicine. Citations are from MEDLINE and other medical and life science journals
Search for articles from scholarly journals in all areas of research
Science and Medicine databases are international by nature and favor English as a common language.
Databases have funtionalities that allow a researcher to identify research in French or from France or any other particular country. The databases below allow researchers to
The databases below have been selected from the general list of Global Health Databases because they offer a lot of French Language Content.
The Medical Center offers online tutorials and tip sheets for searching science databases; if you need help contact a science librarian.