The Writing and Language Studio (WLS), hosted by the Language and Culture Center at Duke Kunshan University, provides guidance and support to students, faculty, and staff in the Duke Kunshan community as they develop their language and communication skills. We provide the services of a traditional university writing center as well as coaching in language learning.
citation, n.
a. The action or an act of quoting or referring to a passage, text, author, legal precedent, etc., esp. as an authority or in support of an argument; quotation.
b. A reference providing information about where a particular quotation, text, etc., is to be found; a bibliographical reference.
Source: Oxford English Dictionary
Whenever you quote or paraphrase ideas from someone else's work, you must acknowledge the source by providing citations. This includes written sources (books, articles and webpages), images, figures and tables, sounds, and video clips.
You need to cite your sources for these reasons:
Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. It occurs when you fail to cite your sources properly.
Plagiarism is a very serious violation of academic integrity; those who plagiarize face serious consequences. According to DKU's Academic Integrity Policy, plagiarism can lead to students receiving a "zero on the assignment [or] reduced/failing grade for the course." In some cases, it may be "grounds for suspension or more severe censure if proven true."
Take this quiz from Cardiff University Library and see if you can identify examples of plagiarism:
When writing an essay or doing a presentation, you should cite your source when you:
You do not need to cite: