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International Fairy and Folk Tale Collections


A list of motifs in the lives of the early Irish saints. Dorothy Ann Bray

A motif index for lost mines and treasures applied to redaction of Arizona legends, and to lost mine and treasure legends exterior to Arizona. Byrd H. Granger

A tale type and motif index of early U.S. almanacs. Michael Stitt

American folklore: an encyclopedia. Jan Harold Brunvand

American myths, legends, and tall tales: an encyclopedia of American folklore. Christopher R. Fee

An index to the fairy tales of Hans Christian Anderson [i. e. Andersen] and the Brothers Grimm.Melanie Anne Gross

Celebrating Latino folklore: an encyclopedia of cultural traditions. María Herrera-Sobek

Das Märchen Lexikon. Walter Scherf

Encyclopedia of folklore and literature. Bruce A. Rosenberg

Enzyklopädie des Märchens: Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung  Kurt Ranke

Fairy godfather: Straparola, Venice, and the fairy tale tradition. Ruth B. Bottigheimer

Fairy lore : a handbook. D.L. Ashliman

Folk and fairy tales: a handbook. D. L. Ashliman

Folklore : an encyclopedia of beliefs, customs, tales, music, and art. Charlie T. McCormick

Greek and Roman folklore: a handbook. Graham Anderson

Index of Catalan folktales. Carme Oriol & Josep M. Pujol

Motif-index of early Irish literature. Tom Peete Cross

Motif-index of folk literature: a classification of narrative [elements in folk tales, ballads, myths, fables, mediaeval romances, exempla, fabliaux, jest-books, and local legends. Stith Thompson

Motif-index of medieval Catalan folktales. Edward J. Neugaard.

Motif-index of the cuentos of Juan Timoneda. J. Wesley Childers

New Larousse encyclopedia of mythology. Felix Guirand

Popular Tales and Fictions : Their Migrations and Transformations. W. A.  Clouston

Postmodern fairy tales: gender and narrative strategies. Cristina Bacchilega

Revisioning Red Riding Hood around the world : an anthology of international retellings.Sandra L. Beckett

Story: a handbook. Jacqueline S. Thursby

Tales of wonder: retelling fairy tales through picture postcards. Jack Zipes

The Bukusu of Kenya : folktales, culture and social identities. Namulundah Florence

The Cambridge companion to fairy tales.  Maria Tatar

The Facts on File encyclopedia of world mythology and legend. Anthony S. Mercatante

The fairy tale world. Andrew Teverson

The mythology of Mexico and Central America. John Bierhorst

The Greenwood encyclopedia of folktales and fairy tales. Donald Haase

The Japanese psyche : major motifs in the fairy tales of Japan. Hayao Kawai

The Jewish story finder: a guide to 668 tales listing subjects and sources. Sharon Elswit

The migratory legends; a proposed list of types with a systematic catalogue of the Norwegian variants. Reidar Thoralf Christiansen

The Oxford companion to children's literature. Daniel Hahn

The Oxford companion to fairy tales. Jack Zipes

The Routledge companion to literature and food. Lorna Piatti-Farnell

The Routledge companion to media and fairy-tale cultures. Pauline Greenhill

The Russian folk-tale: some structural and thematic aspects. Maria-Gabriele Wosien

The type and motif index of Finnish belief legends and memorates. Marjatta Jauhiainen

The types of international folktales: a classification and bibliography, based on the system of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. Hans-Jörg Uther.

The types of the Norwegian folktale. Ørnulf Hodne

Thematic analysis of tribal folk tales and folk songs of West Bengal. Sabyasachi Lodh

Type and motif-index of the folktales of England and North America. Ernest Warren Baughman

Types of Indic oral tales: supplement. Heda Jason

Types of the folktale in the Arab world: a demographically oriented tale-type index. Hasan M. El-Shamy


Comprehensive Indexes

An Index is a comprehensive list of fairy and folk tale publications. The books below provide international coverage,and can be used as a starting point for research about a region.

 Index to fairy tales, myths, and legends.
 Eastman, Mary Huse, 1870-1963
 Library Service Center (Call Number: GR550 .E278 1926)
 2d ed., rev. and enl.

Index to fairy tales, 1949-1972; including folklore, legends, & myths, in collections.
Ireland, Norma Olin, 1907-2001
Library Service Center (Call Number: GR550 .I745 1973)

 Index to fairy tales, 1978-1986 : including folklore, legends, and myths in collections : fifth supplement
 Ireland, Norma Olin, 1907-2001
 Sprug, Joseph W., 1922-
 Perkins & Bostock Library (Call Number: GR550 .I745 1978 Index) 1989

Index to fairy tales, 1987-1992 : including 310 collections of fairy tales, folktales, myths, and legends : with significant pre-1987 titles not previously indexed
Sprug, Joseph W., 1922-
Perkins & Bostock Library (Call Number: GR550 .I745 1987 Index) 1994