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WRITING 90SK: U.S. Academic Writing for EFL Students: Duke's Writing Studio

How Online Appointments Work

Online appointments function just like face-to-face appointments but through a computer. You will log into the online appointment software (click on your appointment in the calendar and click "join online appointment") and you and your consultant will be able to chat in real time and view a shared document. Please have any writing ready to upload in case you'd like to share it with your consultant. Please do not upload a document in advance of your online session.

Working with Sources

Incorporating others' work into your own can be difficult, especially when you are not sure what the conventions are for locating and citing appropriate academic sources. These links can help!

Who We Are

The Writing Studio offers Duke Kunshan University undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to meet with trained writing tutors to discuss individual writing concerns. As a studio, this is a place for you as an artist/writer to work on your art. By discussing your work-in-progress with a trained tutor, you will be better able to move toward developing the awareness and skills that will enable you to improve as a writer.

Graduate and postgraduate student tutors from a number of different disciplines staff the Writing Studio. We have several specially trained tutors who work with non-native speakers. Many of our tutors have had some experience serving as teaching assistants in their own departments, and others have had some tutoring experience as well. All tutors go through extensive on-going training. We are committed to providing you with the best help we can.

To find out more, check out this short video.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with a tutor, click here.

The Writing Studio


Writing Studio

Contact Info:

Thompson Writing Program
106 Art Building
East Campus - Duke University
Durham, NC 27708
(919) 668-0901
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ESL/EFL Interest

Here are some online resources tailored to help EFL students adjust to the US academic writing environment and conventions.