Market and consumer reports are static, point-in-time publications. When you use them, don't assume you have the most up-to-date information, check the date stamp on the report. For example, here's a Marketline report on popcorn consumption in Ireland:
Notice the publication date was 04 July 2012. Any number of things could have happened with Irish popcorn industry, so you need to update your information from July 2012 forward.
To update, use a database such as Factiva, ABI-Inform, or Business Source Complete - all business news aggregators - and search by keyword and location to find more current information. If you need help constructing your search, feel free to email me,
Some products or industries may have very little information available through market reports or trade journal articles. Your next best plan is to contact the relevant industry associations. To locate these organziations, I use the Encyclopedia of Associations through the Gale Directory Library. Available in international, national, and regional/state editions, you can search by keyword to locate the appropriate group.
Once you locate your organization, many will include statistics on their website.