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Islamic History/Historiography - تاريخ: Dates, Measures, Names

Auxiliary Sciences


Bosworth, Clifford Edmund.
The new Islamic dynasties : a chronological and genealogical manual.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS35.627 .B67 1996 Check availability @ Duke
Lane-Poole, Stanley.
The Mohammadan dynasties: chronological and genealogical tables with historical introductions.
New York: F. Ungar Pub. Co. 1965.
Library Service Center DS223 .L3 1965 Check availability @ Duke
Schimmel, Annemarie.
Islamic names.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1989.
Perkins/Bostock Library CS2970 .S35 1989 Check availability @ Duke
Zambaur, Eduard Karl Max von.
Manuel de généalogie et de chronologie pour l'histoire de l'Islam, avec 20 tableaux généalogiques hors texte et 5 cartes.
Berlin: H. Lafaire, 1927/1955.
Library Service Center DS223 .Z363 1955 Check availability @ Duke
Zambaur, Eduard Karl Max von.
Muʻjam al-ansāb wa-al-usarāt al-hākimah fī al-tārīkh al-Islāmī / معجم الانساب والاسرات الحاكمة في التاريخ الاسلامي
al-Qāhirah: Maṭbaʻat Dār al-Kutub wa-al-Wathāʼiq al-Qawmīyah bi-al-Qāhirah, 2008.
Perkins/Bostock Library CS1095 .Z3612 2008 v.1-2 Check availability @ Duke


Fākhūrī, Maḥmūd.
Mawsūʻat waḥdāt al-qiyās al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-Islāmīyah wa-mā yuʻādiluhā bi-al-maqādīr al-ḥadīthah.
Bayrūt: Maktabat Lubnān Nāshirūn, 2002.
Perkins/Bostock Library International & Area Studies Reading Room QC82 .F34 2002 Check availability @ Duke
Hinz, Walther.
Islamische Masse und Gewichte; Umgerechnet ins metrische System.
Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1955.
Perkins/Bostock Library International & Area Studies Reading Room QC85 .H5 1955 Check availability @ Duke


Album, Stephen.
Marsden's Numismata orientalia illustrata.
New York : Attic Books, 1977
Library Service Center — Request Through SerchTRLN CJ3373.2.M37 M37 1977
Check availability @ TRLN
Bates, Michael L.
Islamic coins.
New York: American Numismatic Society, 1982.
Library Service Center CJ3410 .B3 1982 Supplement: slides1-35
Check availability @ Duke
Mayer, L. A. (Leo Ary)
Bibliography of Moslem numismatics, India excepted.
London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1954.
Perkins/Bostock Library PJ408 .O754 n.s. v.35 Check availability @ Duke
Walker, John.
A catalogue of the Muhammadan coins in the British Museum.
London: British Museum, printed by order of the Trustees, 1941-1956
Lilly Library CJ3404.L6 A5 1941 v.1-2
Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: [v. 1] A catalogue of the Arab-Sassanian coins (Umaiyad governors in the East, Arab-Ephthalites, 'Abbāsid governors in Tabaristān and Bukhārā)--v. 2. A catalogue of the Arab-Byzantine and post-reform Umaiyad coins.

Date Converters/Calendars

More online calendars

See also:
Ansari, Shahabuddin.
Interchanging Muslim and Christian era dates : a handbook of precisely synchronizing Hijrah era dates with the Christian era dates and vice versa from 60 B.H. to 2100 A.H. (564 A.D. to 2659 A.D.), together with to ascertain the day of the week of any pre-Hijrah, post-Hijrah, Julilan and Gregorian calendar dates.
Kanpur: Islamic Research Centre in arrangement with B.R. Pub. Corp., Delhi, 2008.
Perkins/Bostock Library International & Area Studies Reading Room CE59 .A573 2008 Check availability @ Duke
Ginzel, Friedrich Karl.
Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie, das Zeitrechnungswesen der Völker.
Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs, 1906-1914.
Perkins/Bostock Library CE11 .G5 1906 bd.1-bd.3 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: 1. Bd. Zeitrechnung der Babylonier, Ägypter, Mohammedaner, Perser, Inder, Südostasiaten, Chinesen, Japaner und Zentralamerikaner.--II. Bd. Zeitrechnung der Juden, der Naturvölker, der Römer und Griechen, sowie Nachträge zum 1. Bande.--III. Bd. Zeitrechnung der Makedonier, Kleinasier und Syrer, der Germanen und Kelten, des Mittelalters, der Byzantiner (und Russen), Armenier, Kopten, Abessinier, Zeitrechnung der neueren Zeit, sowie Nachträge zu den drei Bänden.
Keller, Noah Ha Mim.
Port in a storm : a fiqh solution to the Qibla of North America.
Amman, Jordan: Wakeel Books, 2001.
Divinity School Library BP187.45 .K45 2001 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: pt. 1. Fact, fiqh, and the Qibla. A question of fact -- The Azhar Fatwa -- pt. 2. Answers to difficulties. The Qiblas of the Sahaba -- Mecca and the Mercator projection -- The shortest distance -- A tunnel through the earth -- Considering the earth legally flat -- The stars and the Qibla -- Fuqaha and engineers -- Instruments and sacred law -- The exact direction -- The traditional direction of mosques -- The four directions of the world -- pt. 3. Muslim unity. Port in a storm -- Appendices. Cited Arabic texts -- The Azhar Fatwa in Arabic -- Other Fatwa questions -- Map projections -- Works and documents cited.
Melville, Charles.
"The Chinese-Uighur Animal Calendar in Persian Historiography of the Mongol Period."
In: Iran , Vol. 32, (1994), pp. 83-98.
Article Stable URL: (Duke only)
Unat, Faik Reşit.
Hicrı̂ tarihleri milâdı̂ tarihe çevirme kılavuzu.
Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1974.
Perkins/Bostock Library International & Area Studies Reading Room CE59 .U5 1974 Check availability @ Duke
Online (pdf)
Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand and Bertold Spuler.
Vergleichungs-Tabellen zur muslimischen und iranischen Zeitrechung mit Tafeln zur Umrechnung orient-christlicher Ären.3rd ed.
Mainz: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft; in Kommission bei F. Steiner, Wiesbaden, 1961.
Perkins/Bostock Library International & Area Studies Reading Room CE15 .W8 1961 Check availability @ Duke
More references on Islamic calendars and chronology can be found here:
Some of the date converter information has been gleaned, with thanks, from András Riedlmayer's guide at Harvard University.