Sejong Hakdang (King Sejong Institute 세종학당)
A website for integrated information on Korean language learning and Korean culture
Korean learning for correct pronunciation (바른소리)
Online Korean language education from the National Institute of the Korean Language
A site for learning Korean online, includes tutorials and a student help forum
Structured lessons per level, good for beginners
Sogang Korean Program (서강대학교 한국어 강좌)
Introductory, novice and intermediate online courses. All lessons include Hanguel text, Romanizations and sound files. Requires free registration.
KOSNET, Korean Language Study on the Internet, is a website offering the educational spaces to learn the Korean language through the Internet in different learning steps. This website has a network to link educational institutes for overseas Koreans all over the world and offers VOD services on Korean culture.
The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea (한국현대언어학회)
Full text of the Journal of Studies in Language (언어연구) is available from the first issue to the present. Searchable by volumes, issues, or titles.
The Linguistic Society of Korea.
Korea Language(Hangul) Association.
The Korean Association of Language Sciences (한국언어과학회)