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Dance: Article Indexes

WELCOME -Dance 101 (Shah)


Dance journal databases are specialized - they're by authorities ("peer reviewed") and have special ways to get at art topics.

Magazine Indexes 

Performing Arts Database (formerly IIPA) Find dance reviews + criticism, as well as academic journal articles

Gender Watch - focuses more on contemporary gender issues, however strong on contemporary view of traditional gender issues in Dance.

 Or Just Browse!  - list of online dance periodicals at Duke

Broader Scholary Sources

ProQuest Central: Includes academic journals, magazine and newspaper articles

Academic OneFile:  Search across magazine, journals, and books on your topic

Jstor:  Search for academic journal articles on your topics

MLA International Bibliography - massive language-interests db, includes dance topics when related to theater


Current - exhibition reviews, tracing media coverage of art or artists, popular reception to art and tracing works of art.

Nexis Uni - (formerly Nexis/Lexis) newspaper articles from the late 1980s onward (depending on the newspaper).  Separate search for European dailies is also excellent.

Access World News - (formerly America's Newspapers) - search American newspapers by region of the country or individual newspaper.  Great for seeing how an art show was reviewed in rural America.

Historic - newspaper accounts can be primary sources for exhibitions, reception documentation, museum collection history, etc.  Also good for patronage verification and biographical/obituary accounts.  Both pdf scans of the actual column.

Times Digital Archive: the Times (London), 1785-1985

New York Times Digital Index - 1851 until three years ago.

Subject Guide

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Lee Sorensen
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Lilly Library