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Introduction to NVivo

Overview of basic mechanics of using NVivo to organize and analyze qualitative data.


Charts all for the visualization of aspects of your project and are useful both for exploration and for presentation.  Common applications include:

  • Compare the coding for a particular file (proportion of document by code)
  • Compare all of the files that are coded at a code or case (proportion of each file)
  • Compare cases by attribute (age group, educational attainment, etc.)


The first chart displays the proportion of Barbara's interview that is covered by each listed code.  At the top, the Chart tab allows for changing the chart type, but what chart types are available depends on the underlying data and what is being charted.


The next chart displays the proportion of each document listed along the x axis that was coded positive.


The final chart displays interview participants by educational attainment as a pie chart.  These are three of many charting options that are available through the chart tool.


Hierarchy Chart

Hierarchy charts visualize relationships between like project items.  Common applications include: 

  • Compare how often each code is used relative to other codes in your files
  • gfdgdfg
  • fgdgfdg


The first example compares the frequency with which each code is used across all project files.  Note that negative and positive are the two most widely used codes.  Also note that the coding hierarchy is reflected in the chart.  Positive and negative and two sub-nodes of the attitude node.  You can manually change how many levels of the hierarchy to visualize using the View Level slider at the top.


The next example displays the frequency of coding for each document within the interviews folder.  Barabara's interview has the most codes, while Betty and Paul had the fewest.  This example only coded interviews.  Similarly, particular codes could be selected to explore how each respondent discussed a concept of interest.


As with the chart wizard, the hierarchy chart wizard is flexible and can display aspects of your codes, case attributes, and files.