Discuss these questions with your groupmates. You may not get to discuss every question and are welcome to choose to discuss the question(s) you like best!
- Choose one area of student life that is represented in your yearbooks (examples might be athletics, dating, dorm life, classes and studying, etc.). How is that aspect of student life depicted in your yearbook? How does it compare to your own experience at Duke?
- In your Chanticleer, where do you see evidence of Duke students engaging with national or international events? How does this evidence add to what you already know about those national or international events?
- Think about whose voices and stories are missing from your Chanticleer. Why might those voices and stories be missing? What is the impact of having one centralized account on our understanding of a historical time period?
- Based on your Chanticleer, can you develop a thesis about Duke student life during that year? How might you research your thesis further?
- A single primary source sometimes raises more questions than it answers. What questions do you still have about your Chanticleer? Spend some time brainstorming with your groupmates about how to find answers.