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Gephi: Analyzing

This guide collects resources and tutorials for using Gephi, a network analysis and visualization program.


Tutorial Data

Tutorial Slides

Tutorial Handout

Tutorial Video


Common Procedures

  • Degree (when directed, in-degree and out-degree)
    This is a numerical node variable.  It is the number of edges connected to a particular node. Gephi calculates degree automatically.
  • Diameter
    This is a property of the whole network, not a single node or edge. It is the number of links between the two nodes in the network that are the farthest apart.
    • Betweenness Centrality
      This is a numerical node variable.  It is a measure of how often a node appears on shortest paths between nodes in the network.
    • Closeness Centrality
      This is a numerical node variable.  It is the average distance from a given node to all other nodes in the network.
    • Eccentricity
      This is a numerical node variable.  It is the distance from a given node to the farthest node from it in the network.
  • Density
    This is a property of the whole network.  It is the ratio between the number of edges and the total number of possible edges between the nodes.
  • Clustering/Modularity
    Measures how well a network decomposes into modular communities. This algorithm will calculate an overall modularity score for the network, as well as assign each node to a separate cluster that will appear as a variable suitable for partion coloring.

ProTip: Save output of window for record keeping. Gephi allows you to print, copy, or save the content of the reporting window.