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Global Health Refugees - French Language

This guide is designed to help students find Global Health sources in French

Directories for Open Access

Important and government funded research centers increasingly offer open access to research results; use the registries below to identify a research institute and check the institute's website for publications. For example: Institute Nicod is a research institute that provides full-text documents (and a subject browse).   

The Global Open Access Portal (GOAP)  presents a current snapshot of the status of Open Access (OA) to scientific information around the world.

  • DRIVER - Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research. Search list of repositories (150,083 documents in French)
  • OAPEN - Open Access Publishing in European Networks 
  • OpenDoar The list of repositories in France quickly leads you to conferences and publications at major research institutes
  • Openarchives EU   Keyword France Neurosciences
  • Open Directory Keyword search on Neuroscience France  brings up a variety of recommended resources, including guides and institutes
  • ROAR Registry of Open Access Repositories  59 repositories in France, including statistics

Open Access Databases Europe

Science and Technology publishers are international by nature. You will find that French medical libraries offer many of the same subscription databases as American libraries. Look, for example, at the offerings at BIUM.  In addition to subscription resources the following Open Access Science databases are referenced as good resources in European libraries; a larger list follows in the box below:


Explore the databases below in addition to the standard Global Health databases recommended for US researchers