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Global Health Refugees - French Language

This guide is designed to help students find Global Health sources in French

Structure and Hierarchy of French Research Centers

Spotlight on CNRS

CNRS is a “public research organization” that employs researchers in all fields of science. This organization is further broken down into eight institutes (see first box in this column for visual aid) covering all fields of science. Specific to neuroscience and neurohumanities is the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, whose mission is “to develop research on humans, from the development of language and knowledge to economic, social and political activities.”
The CNRS works with universities and research labs to present scientific discoveries to the public. Many open access databases are maintained by CNRS that contain new discoveries, articles, etc.
Specific institutes that are part of INSHS can be searched here. [For example, search for “NEUROSCIENCES” or “NEUROMEDIATEURS” (neurotransmitters) to find labs that do research on these topics]

Spotlight on INSERM


INSERM (L’institut national de la sante et de la recherche medicale) was created in 1964. It is the only French public research body devoted entirely to human health. The website is available in both French and English.

80% of INSERM’s 318 research units are located in either university hospitals or cancer treatment centers.

The layout of INSERM is very structured – within each institute, there are research units, research platforms, competitiveness clusters, and other structures in place to encourage progress in research. See the layout here.

INSERM sponsors an institute of “Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie”. The research goals of this specific institute are listed here. (Medical issuesScientific issues)

The neurosciences institute publishes “Dossiers d’information” (Information Packs) about a variety of neurological disorders and diseases, which provide essential information and links for further research into each disorder.

Selection of Health & Research Centers

Selection of Associations & Societies