Left: Unprojected (Longitude/Latitude) using World Geodetic System 1984 Datum (WGS84) (EPSG = 4326)
Right: USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic, USGS (EPSG = 5070 or 102003)
Planar and Geodesic: Sometimes, you'll see these terms used with respect to geospatial data.
A Few Useful EPSG Codes
​Use as the projection argument of tmaptools::set_projection()
CRS | Projection | Datum | Units | EPSG code |
World Geodetic System 1984 | Unprojected | WGS84 | degrees | 4326 |
North American Datum 1983 [US Census data] | Unprojected | NAD83 | degrees | 4269 |
Pseudo-Mercator (Web Mercator; Spherical Mercator) [Google Maps, etc.] | Mercator | WGS84 | meters | 3857 |
World Robinson [Natl Geo world maps 1988-98] | Robinson | WGS84 | meters | 54030 |
World Van der Grinten [Natl Geo world maps 1922-88] | Van Der Grinten I | WGS84 | meters | 54029 |
World Eckert IV [equal area] | Eckert IV | WGS84 | meters | 54012 |
World Mollweide [equal area] | Mollweide | WGS84 | meters | 54009 |
World Equidistant Cylindrical | Equidistant Cylindrical | WGS84 | meters | 4087 |
North America Albers Equal Area Conic | Albers | NAD83 | meters | 102008 |
USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic | Albers | NAD83 | meters | 5070 or 102003 |
North America Lambert Conformal Conic | Lambert Conformal Conic | NAD83 | meters | 102009 |
USA Contiguous Lambert Conformal Conic | Lambert Conformal Conic | NAD83 | meters | 102004 |
State Plane North Carolina Feet | Lambert Conformal Conic | NAD83 | feet | 2264 |
State Plane North Carolina Meters | Lambert Conformal Conic | NAD83 | meters | 32119 |
UTM zone 17N [good for NC] | Transverse Mercator | WGS84 | meters | 32617 |
British National Grid | Transverse Mercator | OSGB 1936 | meters | 27700 |
Asia North Albers Equal Area Conic [OK for China] | Albers | WGS84 | meters | 102025 |
Some set_projection() shortcut codes for world maps or for UTM zones.
Example R code:
set_projection(shp, projection = "code")
set_projection(world_admin, projection = "wintri")
where shp is your geographic file and code is the shortcut code. See the documentation for more important information.