Extensive blog post by Jesse Sadler about R's sf package, implementing the Simple Features standard into R and fitting nicely into the tidyverse set of packages.
Follow along in R markdown files. Uses the Tidyverse packages. Covers plotting coordinate points, map projections, thematic mapping with US Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics data, and the leaflet package. Includes links to the markdown files and sample data on GitHub.
With links to downloadable vector and raster data to use in the R environment on your local machine. Uses these R packages: dplyr, ggplot2, raster, rgdal, rasterVis, remotes, sf.
Focus on raster analysis. Links to sample data and R Markdown files (don't need to follow the recorded webinar). From the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
The fundamental principles of working with image raster data in R; in particular, multi-band rasters. From the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).
Online interactive course from DataCamp. The first of four sections ("Basic mapping with ggplot2 and ggmap") is free. The others require payment ("Point and polygon data," "Raster data and color," and "Data import and projections").
Slides and R code from seminars on various aspects of R. Not specifically on geospatial, although there are related seminars on ggplot2 and data management.