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Freely Available K-12 Teaching Resources

As part of the open education movement, K-12 teachers are creating and sharing reusable, remixable learning materials. This guide is a gateway to finding K-12 lesson plans, worksheets, and other learning materials available for free to use.

Sharing and Reusing Openly Licensed Content 

The key to making an OER is licensing it for open use, reuse, remix, redistribution, and retention. The Creative Commons licenses are the most-used indicators of what you can do with a piece of OER created by someone else (or what you want others to do with OER content you create). The licenses are:

undefined Attribution (BY): Allow to copy, adapt, modify, share the work as long as the original creators are credited for any purposes. This is the most permissive license (beyond a CC 0, which puts the material in the public domain).

 undefined Attribution (BY) - Share Alike (SA): All rights as Attribution (BY) license and new creations have to be licensed under same terms as the original work.

undefined  Attribution (BY) - No Derives (ND): Allow to copy, share but keep the work unchanged and in whole for any purposes.​ No translations of a work, for example.

  Attribution (BY) - Non-commercial (NC): Allow to copy, adapt, modify, share the work for non-commercial purposes only. For example, you can use it in your dissertation but cannot sell the content for profit.

undefined Attribution (BY) - Non-commercial (NC) - Share Alike (SA): All rights as Attribution (BY)-Share Alike (SA) license but for non-commercial purposes only.

undefined Attribution (BY) - Non-commercial (NC) - No Derives (ND): All rights as Attribution (BY) - No Derives (ND) license but for non-commercial purposes only.

You can find more information about licenses from the Creative Commons website.

If you have questions about interpreting a license for use in your class or putting a license on your own content, contact, the ScholarWorks Center for Scholarly Publishing at Duke University Libraries.