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Teaching with Primary Sources: Women's Suffrage in the United States

Activity Instructions

Students will work in small groups to explore primary sources. They can do this work either in class, in Zoom breakout rooms, or using discussion forums such as Sakai, depending on the format of the class. Students will examine and analyze items in the Rubenstein Library’s online women’s suffrage exhibit. Instructors may assign one or more of the ten theme pages from this online exhibit to each group, or you may want to allow students to choose their own and coordinate with the other groups in your class to make sure that every theme page is assigned to a group. 

  1. Within their groups, students will divide up the items in their theme page and will each answer the individual analysis questions about one of the items.
  2. After they’ve had a chance to read and analyze their items on their own, students work with their group to share their items and respond to the group analysis questions.
  3. Finally, each group will share their discoveries with the whole class.