Below are suggestions for further reading on the history of medicine, disease, health-related beliefs and behaviors, and advertising from the period 1910-1960.
Medicine as Science and Profession
Burrow, James G. AMA: Voice of American Medicine (Baltimore, 1963).
______. Organized Medicine in the Progressive Era: The Move Toward Monopoly (Baltimore, 1977).
Ludmerer, Kenneth M. Learning to Heal: The Development of American Medical Education (New York, 1985).
______. Time to Heal: American Medical Education from the Turn of the Century to the Era of Managed Care (New York, 1999).
Rosen, George. The Structure of American Medical Practice, 1875-1941, ed. Charles E. Rosenberg (Philadelphia, 1983).
Rothman, David J. Strangers at the Bedside: A History of How Law and Bioethics Transformed Medical Decision Making (New York, 1991).
Starr, Paul. The Social Transformation of American Medicine: The Rise of a Sovereign Profession and the Making of a Vast Industry (New York, 1982).
Hoffman, Beatrix. The Wages of Sickness: The Politics of Health Insurance in Progressive America (Chapel Hill, 2001).
Numbers, Ronald. Almost Persuaded: American Physicians and Compulsory Health Insurance, 1912-1920 (Baltimore, 1978).
Rosenberg, Charles E. The Care of Strangers: The Rise of America's Hospital System (New York, 1987).
Smith, Susan Lynn. Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Black Women;s Health Activism in America, 1890-1950 (Philadelphia, 1955).
Stevens, Rosemary. In Sickness and in Wealth: American Hospitals in the Twentieth Century (New York, 1989).
Aronowitz, Robert A. Making Sense of Illness: Science, Society, and Disease (Cambridge, MA, 1998).
Bates, Barbara. Bargaining for Life: A Social History of Tuberculosis, 1876-1938 (Philadelphia, 1992).
Brandt, Allan M. No Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venereal Disease in the United States Since 1880 (New York, 1987).
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs. Fasting Girls: The Emergence of Anorexia Nervosa as a Modern Disease (Cambridge, MA, 1988).
Feldberg, Georgina D. Diseases and Class: Tuberculosis and the Shaping of Modern North American Society (New Brunswick, 1995).
Gould, Tony. A Summer Plague: Polio and its Survivors (New Haven, 1995).
Leavitt, Judith Walzer. Brought to Bed: Childbearing in America, 1750-1950 (New York, 1986).
Lerner, Barron H. Breast Cancer Wars: Hope, Fear, and the Pursuit of a Cure in Twentieth-Century America (New York, 2001).
Morris, David B. Illness and Culture in the Postmodern Age (Berkley, 1998).
Ott, Katherine. Fevered Lives: Tuberculosis in American Culture since 1870 (Cambridge, MA, 1996).
Patterson, James T. The Dread Disease: Cancer and Modern American Culture (Cambridge, MA, 1987).
Rogers, Naomi. Dirt and Disease: Polio before FDR (New Brunswick, 1992).
Rothman, Sheila M. Living in the Shadow of Death: Tuberculosis and the Social Experience of Illness in the United States (New York, 1994).
Smith, Jane S. Patenting the Sun: Polio and the Salk Vaccine (New York: Morrow, 1990).
Apple, Rima D. Mothers and Medicine: A Social History of Infant Feeding, 1890-1950 (Madison, 1987).
______. Vitamania: Vitamins in American Culture (New Brunswick, 1996).
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs. The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls (New York, 1997).
Burnham, John. Bad Habits: Drinking, Smoking, Taking Drugs, Gambling, Sexual Misbehavior, and Swearing in American History (New York, 1993).
______. How Superstition Won and Science Lost: Popularizing Science and Health in the United States (New Brunswick, 1987).
Green, Harvey. Fit for America: Health, Fitness, Sport and American Society (New York, 1986).
Hoy, Suellen M. Chasing Dirt: The American Pursuit of Cleanliness (New York, 1986).
Schwartz, Hillel. Never Satisfied: A Cultural History of Diets, Fantasies, and Fat (New York, 1986).
Tomes, Nancy. The Gospel of Germs: Men, Women, and the Microbe in American Life (Cambridge, MA, 1998).
Vinikas, Vincent. Soft Soap, Hard Sell: American Hygiene in the Age of Advertisement (Ames, 1992).
Whorton, James C. Crusaders for Fitness: The History of American Health Reform (Princeton, 1982).
______. Inner Hygiene: Constipation and the Pursuit of Health in Modern Society (New York, 2000).
Ewen, Stuart. Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of Consumer Culture (New York, 1976).
_____. PR!: A Social History of Spin (New York, 1996).
Fox, Stephen. The Mirror Makers: A History of American Advertising and its Creators (New York, 1984).
Johnston, Patricia. Real Fantasies: Edward Steichen's Advertising Photographs (Berkeley, 1997).
Laird, Pamela Walker. Advertising Progress: American Business and the Rise of Consumer Marketing (Baltimore, 1998).
Lears, Jackson. Fables of Abundance: A Cultural History of Advertising in America (New York, 1994).
Manring, M.M. Slave in a Box: The Strange Career of Aunt Jemima (Charlottesville, 1998).
Marchand, Roland. Advertising the American Dream (Berkeley, 1985).
_____. Creating the Corporate Soul: The Rise of Public Relations and Corporate Imagery in American Business (Berkeley, 1998).
Pope, Daniel. The Making of Modern Advertising (New York, 1983).
Strasser, Susan. Satisfaction Guaranteed: The Making of the American Mass Market (Washington, D.C., 1989).
Barnow, Eric. A History of Broadcasting in the United States, vols. 1-3 (New York, 1966-1970).
Douglas, Susan J. Listening In: Radio and the American Imagination (New York, 1999).
Scanlon, Jennifer. Inarticulate Longings: The Ladies' Home Journal, Gender, and the Promises of Consumer Culture (New York, 1995).
Schneirov, Matthew. The Dream of a New Social Order: Popualar Magazines in America, 1893-1914 (New York, 1994).
Sloan, William David and Startt, James D. The Media in America: A History 4th ed. (Northport, Ala., 1999).
Tebbel, John and Zuckerman, Mary Ellen. The Magazine in America, 1741-1990 (New York, 1991).
Abelson, Elaine S. When Ladies Go A-Thieving: Middle-Class Shoplifters in the Victorian Department Store (New York, 1989).
Cohen, Lizabeth. Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939 (New York, 1990).
Frank, Dana. Purchasing Power: Consumer Organizing, Gender, and the Seattle Labor Movement, 1919-1929 (New York, 1994).
Frank, Thomas. The Conquest of Cool: Business Culture, Counterculture, and the Rise of Hip Consumerism (Chicago, 1997).
Glickman, Lawrence B. Consumer Society in American History: A Reader (Ithaca, 1999).
______. A Living Wage: American Workers and the Making of Consumer Society (Ithaca, 1997).
Heinz, Andrew W. Adapting to Abundance: Jewish Immigrants, Mass Consumption, and the Search for American Identity (New York, 1990).
Horowitz, Daniel. The Morality of Spending: Attitudes Toward the Consumer Society in America, 1875-1940 (Baltimore, 1985).
______. Vance Packard and American Social Criticism (Chapel Hill, 1994).
Leach, William. Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture (New York, 1993).
Mayer, Robert N. The Consumer Movement: Guardians of the Market Place (Boston, 1989).
Peiss, Kathy. Hope in a Jar: The Making of America's Beauty Culture (New York, 1998)
Shi, David E. The Simple Life: Plain Living and High Thinking in American Culture (New York, 1985).
Silber, Norman Isaac. Test and Protest: The Influence of Consumers Union (New York, 1983).
Slater, Don. Consumer Culture and Modernity (Malden, MA, 1997).
Strasser, Susan, McGovern, Charles, and Just, Matthias, eds. Getting and Spending: European and American Consumer Societies in the Twentieth Century (New York, 1998).
Kluger, Richard. Ashes to Ashes: America's Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Phillip Morris (New York, 1996).
Proctor, Robert. Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes What We Know and Don't Know about Cancer (New York, 1995).
Tate, Cassandra. Cigarette Wars: The Triumph of "the Little White Slaver" (New York, 1999).
Duffin, Jacalyn and Li, Alison. "Great Moments: Parke, Davis and Company and the Creation of Medical Art," Isis, 86 (March 1995), 1-29
Jackson, Charles O. Food and Drug Legislation in the New Deal (Princeton, 1970).
Liebenau, Jonathan. Medical Science and Medical Industry: The Formation of the American Pharmaceutical Industry (Baltimore, 1987).
Mann, Charles C. and Plummer, Mark L. The Aspirin Wars: Money, Medicine, and 100 Years of Rampant Competition (New York, 1991).
Stage, Sarah. Female Complaints: Lydia Pinkham and the Business of Women's Medicine (New York, 1979).
Swann, John Patrick. Academic Scientists and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Cooperative Research in the Twentieth-Century America (Baltimore, 1988).
Temin, Peter. Taking Your Medicine: Drug Regulation in the United States (Cambridge, MA, 1980).
Young, James Harvey. The Medical Messiahs: A Social History of Health Quackery in Twentieth-Century America (Princeton, 1967).
_____. Pure Food: Securing the Federal Food and Drug Acts of 1906 (Princeton, 1989).
_____. The Toadstool Millionaires: A Social History of Patent Medicines in America Before Federal Regulation (Princeton, 1961).