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CLST 89-S: Archaeology of Death: Finding Articles

Periodical databases

To identify articles on your topic, the best tool is a research database.  These are usually periodical indexes, which arrange journal articles by author, title and subject.  This allows you to find as many articles as possible on your topic, since the references are collocated.

Academia-- Academia is a share site, which lets researchers publish their materials in a variety of formats.  This is a scholar to scholar database. 

L'Annee Philologique -- L'Annee Philologique is the primary periodical index for Classical Studies, indexing articles selected from 1,000 journals, dealing with all aspects of Greco-Roman antiquity, including history, literature, art, religion, folklore, early Christian texts, papyrology, and science. Content covers from prehistory to the middle of the eighth century AD. Knox College Library's search guide is very helpful. 

Brill's Paulys Online -- use this to gain basic background information on funerary practices, monuments, etc.

Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica Organisation and information collecting point focusing primarily on Roman archaeology. Index to Western-language journal articles and book/exhibition catalogue reviews on architecture, historic preservation and urban design. Covers publications 1830s - present.

Dyabola -- Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut: Indexes books, articles and essays on antiquities, art and archaeology in the ancient Middle Eastern, classical, early Christian, Byzantine, and early Medieval periods. Some overlap with Zenon. UCA Berkeley has a straightforward search guide. See also the NYU Libraries Institute of Fine Arts youtube guide to searching and combining searches in Dyabola.  There is also the more complex user's manual at Dyabola. 

JSTOR-- a full-text database which has 44 of the main journals in classical studies.  There's an embargo on the last five years for most journals, so you won't find the latest information here, however ease of use and full text availability will make this an important resource for your studies.

Project MUSE -- a full text database which you'll probably use less, except for the sections on ancient history and ancient philosophy.

Zenon-- Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut. Zenon searches the following collections: The Archaeological Bibliography of the Rome, Berlin, Athens and Istanbul departments, the Bibliography on the Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula and the Bibliography of the Archaeology of Eurasia. Some overlap with Dyabola.

Web of Science -- this is a citation index and as such, allows you to search bibiliographies and references both backwards and forwards through scholarship.