ePrint is the name of the campus-wide printer network
Locations of eprint stations in the Divinity School: 2 in library, 1 in student lounge.
If you would like to print or make copies in the library, you can purchase an eprint card. There is a card dispenser on the main floor of Perkins Library. The machine accepts $1, $5, $10 and $20 bills (no coins).
To send a document or file to eprint, you will enter the eprint ID when prompted for your Duke University NetID. Then swipe your card at the nearest eprint station to release your print job.
Printing/Copying costs:
Kicscan: located around the corner from the circulation desk on the entry level of the library. The Kicscan machine is ideal for scanning pages from a book. You can save to USB (flash drive) or email. Read the yellow signage and manual for tips. Contact the desk for help!
Epson Scanner: located near the circulation desk, the Epson flatbed scanner is a better choice for scanning individual pages or sheets of paper. IMPORTANT: Follow the instructions on the yellow sheet to ensure that your document is scanned properly with the correct settings.
Have a smart phone? Depending on your needs, there are a number of free or cheap apps for Apple and Android phones that will allow you to use your phone's camera as a mini document scanner. See the Mobile Apps page for more details.
Two copiers are located in the Divinity Library for making photocopies OR scans of documents. The copiers are flash-drive enabled, so you can scan books and documents straight to your flash drive at no cost. Just insert your flash drive, choose 'image send', select the tab for USB, and begin scanning!
In order to print copies, you will need to add money to an eprint card from Perkins Library, or to your Duke FLEX account. Duke FLEX can be used for printing, Duke dining, vending machines, and more -- but it is different from the ePrint money loaded onto Duke students' ID cards.
Copier locations: one is at the top of the stairs on Floor 3 (upstairs), and the other is near the North elevator on our main level. See the library map for more details.