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GeoCommons: Create Map

Make map

  1. Start with the Layers Palette to add and arrange layers.
  2. Then, visualize your data using the Style Palette.
  3. You can open a legend to document what you're showing.
  4. You can open a data window to see data underlying a layer.

You can create up to 10 private maps (within the total of 20 MB of private storage), but unlimited public ones.

Documentation on making a map

2. Style Palette

This dialog lets you choose options regarding a layer's style.  You can shade polygons based on values of an attribute (numerical attibute only), and have options relating to transparency of the layer or it's borders and thickness of borders.

Style Palette

Documentation on the Style Palette

4. Data view

The Data button in the lower left of the map can be expanded to see the underlying attributes of the dataset being mapped.

Data view

1. Layers Palette

The Layers Palette is in the upper right of the GeoCommons window. It shows the layers open, whether they're active on the map, and the which are on top of which.  It's somewhat comparable to the Table of Contents in ArcGIS or the Layer dialog in PhotoShop.

Layers Palette

  • Edit Details will allow you to change the metadata for the map (description, tags, permissions).
  • +Add will allow you to add another layer.
  • Click the name of the layer to get the options in a window to the left, in particular the style palette, or you can rename an unclear name (e.g., P053001 = Median Household Income in 1999).
  • Grab the three dots to the right of the layer name to drag the layer above or below another.
  • Change button will allow you to change the basemap layer.

Documentation on the Layers Palette

3. Legend

You can expand the legend in the lower right.


Documentation on the legend