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GeoCommons: Geolocate

Geocode addresses

If a CSV file contains address information, you can geocode it to create a point on the map for each row in the data table.

After uploading your CSV file, GeoCommons will give you options to geolocate your data.

If you choose Geocode, GeoCommons will make a good guess regarding the columns that contain your address information, or you can choose to select different columns and specify the format as needed.

Documentation on geocoding

Join with existing geographic data

If your tabular data has geospatial attributes (county name, etc.), you can search for an existing geographic, or boundary, dataset in GeoCommons and join your data to it.

Your data must have values in a key column that match values in a key column in the GeoCommons data.  This is comparable to a Join in ArcGIS or SQL, or a Merge in Stata.

Documentation on joining data

Data is already geographic

If the data in geographic format such as a shapefile or KML, rather than tabular CSV data, then it's ready to visualize.

You can add more descriptive metadata to the file you uploaded.

Documentation on adding a geographic file