Many organizations working with refugees have YouTupe channels, and news organizations also put out open access video content; for documentaries and film that have to be purchased, go to Duke Streaming Video databases instead!
Browse a collection of streaming feature and documentary films from Spain, France, other European and eastern European countries, North American Classic films, and Latin American films from many Latin American countries including Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. Not all films include English subtitles.
Find and watch streaming video of documentary and social issues films. Includes the Docuseek Complete Collection, Pragda Complete Film Collection, Good Docs, Icarus Films, Women Make Movies, and Collective Eye films.
These documentaries can be used in a wide range of subject areas, from Asian, environmental, and Indigenous studies to law, geography, anthropology, global health, policy, conservation biology, and more.
Find and watch streaming video with academic, vocational, and life-skills content
These documentaries can be used in a wide range of subject areas, from Asian, environmental, and Indigenous studies to law, geography, anthropology, global health, policy, conservation biology, and more.
Find and view streaming video. Includes thousands of award-winning documentaries, training films and theatrical releases across diverse subjects and disciplines
Projectr presents a curated and ever-expanding collection of acclaimed movies, archival restorations, award-winning documentaries and artist-made works from around the world. Distributors include Grasshopper Film, Women Make Movies, Distrib Films, MTV Documentary Films, and Canyon Cinema.