Searching the highest-level topics in the Duke Libraries' Books and Media catalog allows you to use filters for geography. and time periods.
If you are not sure which search terms to start with, consider starting with a search in GoogleBooks; here you can usually search with a question or up to six relevant terms when you see a book title that looks interesting, copy/paste the book title into the Duke Books and Media Catalog on the Duke Libraries' Homepage; this will give you access to the full-text book. Remember, never pay for materials that Duke Librries can provide to you!
- Emigration and immigration
- Forced Migration
- Asylum, Right of
- Deportation
- Displaced Persons
- Human Trafficking
- Internally displaced persons
- Migration, internal
- Population transfers
- Refugee children
- Refugees
- War Crimes OR War Trials
- Women refugees
Every search will bring up a different set of related topics in the left-hand menu: